
The world has never before seen the moment a polar bear cub opens its eyes for the first time and sees its mother.. until now. 人们之前还未曾见到过北极熊宝宝第一次睁开双眼看见熊妈妈的那一瞬间——现在终于见着了。

A video taken at Hellabrun Zoo in Munich, Germany, shows polar bear Giovanna tenderly cradling her two snow-white cubs in her paws, breathing on them gently to keep them warm. 德国慕尼黑的 Hellabrun动物园拍摄了一段视频,视频中北极熊妈妈 Giovanna温柔地用手掌抚摸着她的两个雪白的宝宝,并轻轻地呵气让宝宝们暖和起来。

As Giovanna's breath slowly wakes the month-old infants they open their eyes for what keepers believe is the first time, gazing up at her. Giovanna的气息慢慢地使得一个月大的宝宝睁开了眼睛,饲养员认为这是它们第一次睁开眼睛看着妈妈。

a target=_blank class=infotextkey视频/a记录:超萌北极熊宝宝初次睁眼

They were the only polar bear cubs to be born in captivity in Europe last year and, incredibly, their mother positioned herself in the direct view of CCTV cameras set up to record the moment. 去年在欧洲出生的这对宝宝是唯一的、在人工饲养的环境下出生的北极熊宝宝。令人惊讶的是,熊妈妈产子时正对着监控摄像机,使得熊宝宝出生这一幕被记录了下来。

Now the baby cubs ' first tentative blink has been recorded on day 33 of their lives, and the footage released by Hellabrun's zoologists. 如今,宝宝们出生后 33天试探性的第一次睁眼也被记录了下来,这段视频由 Hellabrun的动物园管理者公开。

In the heartwarming video, the twins are seen sleeping in their mother's protective embrace when one begins to stir and stretch its forelegs. The movements wakes its sibling, who bursts from beneath their sleeping mother's clasp, the commotion in turn waking Giovanna, who delicately nuzzles and sniffs the nearest cub. 在这段温暖人心的视频里,双胞胎宝宝在妈妈的怀抱里睡着,其中一只宝宝则开始动了动,并伸直了它的前腿。这一举动惊醒了它的同胞,于是另一只宝宝挣脱了熊妈妈的怀抱,小小的动作使 Giovanna妈妈也醒过来了,她轻柔地用鼻子擦了擦并嗅了嗅离她最近的宝宝。

Giovanna gave birth to her cubs on December 9, with the first emerging at 8.39 am following a short labour. Minutes earlier she had been biting her front paw to counteract the pain of contractions, before the eight-inch-long cub slid out. 129日, Giovanna生下了双胞胎宝宝,从早上 839分开始只用了短短的一段时间。8英尺长的宝宝诞生的几分钟前,她咬着前爪试图忍耐着宫缩的疼痛。

The infant cub was hairless, smeared in blood, blind and deaf. 刚刚出生的北极熊宝宝是没有毛发的,身上有一些血迹,它们暂时看不见东西也听不到声音。

Hellabrun Zoo is now bracing itself for a surge in visitors. When Knut the polar bear was born in Berlin Zoo at the end of 2006 the capital's animal park was flooded by visitors keen to catch a glimpse of the cub. Hellabrun动物园正迎接着一大波的参观者。 2006年末,当北极熊克努特在柏林动物园诞生时,首都的动物公园人满为患,大家都想看一眼北极熊宝宝可爱的模样。

That Giovanna has managed to keep her youngsters alive this long is already an impressive achievement. Polar bears are at greater risk of dying in the first week of their lives than any other mammal. Giovanna平安无事地养育着她的孩子至今,这已经是一个非常了不起的成就了。要知道,北极熊出生的第一周死亡率大大超过了其它的哺乳类动物。