邵逸夫爵士去世 所捐“逸夫楼”遍布全国

Sir Run Run Shaw, one of the pioneers of the 20 th century Chinese film industry, has died age 107. 20世纪中国电影工业的开拓者之一邵逸夫爵士于今晨逝世,享年 107岁。

Shaw died peacefully at his home in Hong Kong, surrounded by his family, his company, Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB), said in a statement. 根据香港电视广播有限公司( TVB)发表的声明,邵逸夫安祥地在香港家中去世,家人们陪伴在旁。

" With his vision and energy, he had built the company to become Hong Kong's premier television station and a world leader in the Chinese-language television industry," TVB said. TVB在声明中表示,邵爵士以无比的精力和视野,带领无线成为香港最大电视台和世界中文电视行业中最有影响力的电视台之一。


Shaw, who co-founded the Shaw Brothers film studio with his brother Runme, had been involved in the film industry in Shanghai and Singapore since age 19. 邵逸夫与哥哥邵仁枚一起创办了邵氏兄弟电影公司,自 19岁开始就在上海和新加坡涉足电影产业。

The Shaw Brothers company was in its heyday in the 1960 s and 1970 s and was influential in both the Asian and Western film industries. He personally has credits on some 360 films, ranging from martial arts classics to Ridley Scott’sBlade Runner”. 邵氏兄弟电影公司在 20世纪 6070年代迎来了全盛时期,在亚洲和西方电影产业中都具有相当大的影响力。他个人投资拍摄了 360多部电影,有不少武术经典电影,还有雷利·史考特执导的电影《银翼杀手》。

Shaw was also founder in 1967 of Television Broadcasts (TVB), Hong Kong’s dominant free-to-air broadcaster and still one of the major forces of content production and talent management in the region. 1967年,邵逸夫联合创建了 TVB——香港电视广播有限公司, TVB是香港主要的免费播放的广播公司,如今也还是香港地区内容生成和人才管理的重要力量。

He was last month honored in Hong Kong by the British Academy of Film& Television Arts. 就在上个月,邵逸夫还在香港接受了英国电影和电视艺术学院( BAFTA)授予的特别奖。