
Born three and a half months premature, baby Ward Miles did not have the easiest start in life but thanks to the love of his parents and endless dedication of doctors and nurses, the little fighter pulled through. 提前三个半月来到人世,小宝宝沃德·迈尔斯的人生起步并不轻松,但幸而他有父母的疼爱、医护人员的无私关怀,这个小战士顽强的活了下来。

His father, Benjamin Miller who is a photographer, captured his son's first year in a moving short film, beginning with those difficult, early days in the NICU and following Ward as he goes from strength to strength at home. 他的父亲本杰明·米勒是一位摄影师。他将儿子诞生以来一年的成长历程拍摄制作称了一段感人的简短视频。从他刚出生时在新生儿重症监护室里度过的艰难日子,到他在家里茁壮成长的时光一一被父亲记录了下来。

The video begins with new mom Lyndsey gingerly picking up her son, who weighs under 1.5 lbs, four days after he was born 15 weeks early at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio. 视频是从早产 15周的宝宝在俄亥俄州哥伦布市的全国儿童医院出生 4天开始拍摄的。视频中新妈妈莱斯利小心翼翼的抱着自己的儿子,他的体重还不到 1.5磅。

感人a target=_blank class=infotextkey视频/a:顽强小宝宝成长的一年

She smiles for the camera and then the new mother becomes overwhelmed by the moment and bursts into tears. 宝宝的妈妈对着镜头笑了笑,接着她不禁落下泪来。

The moving scene is just one of many in the couple's emotional roller coaster following the birth of their premature son on July 16, 2012. 这一感人的场面只是两夫妻实际经历的一个片段。自他们的儿子在 2012716日出世以来,他们的心情时常如过山车一般大起大落。

Mr and Mrs Miller, both from central Ohio, have been married for four years and live in Columbus. Their first child Ward was born 15 weeks early at Riverside Methodist Hospital, weighing just 1 lb 13 oz. 米勒夫妇都来自俄亥俄州中部地区,他们已经结婚四年,居住在哥伦布市。沃德是他们的第一个孩子,早产了 15周。当他在河滨卫理公会医院诞生时,体重只有 113盎司。

He was transferred four days after he was born to Nationwide Children's Hospital to undergo a procedure and remained in the hospital's NICU fighting for his life for the next 107 days. 小宝宝出生四天后被转移到全国儿童医院接受看护,在接下来的 107天里,他一直都在新生儿重症监护室里为活下去艰难抗争。

After his first 107 days of life in the hospital, Ward Miles finally went home on October 31, 2012. 在医院里住了 107天之后, 20121031日,沃德·迈尔斯终于回家了。

Although the little boy still has some feeding issues, Mr Miller said that doctors are in disbelief when they find out his healthy son was born 15 weeks premature. 虽然给小宝宝喂食的时候夫妻俩还是遇到点问题,但米勒先生说,医生们都认为小宝宝非常健康。当他们得知他早产了 15周时,都不敢相信。

Mr Miller said that the family could not have coped with their ordeal without the love and prayers from family and thousands of friends and supporters, some of whom they had never met. 米勒先生说,他们一家三口人之所以能战胜这些苦难,正是因为亲人以及无数朋友、支持者给他们的爱和祝福。许多这样的支持者是他们尚未谋面的陌生人。

He made the video to commemorate his son's first year and as a birthday present for his wife. 他制作这一视频是为了纪念儿子出生一周年,也是为了庆祝妻子的生日。