圣诞节活动策划适合在圣诞派对上玩的 4个游戏

圣诞节活动策划 适合在圣诞派对上玩的4个游戏 

1. Decoration Competition装饰竞赛 What’s a party without a cheesy game? There are a lot of different things that you can decorate for a competition. Cookies or people, just choose whatever you like. 聚会没有一些有趣的游戏怎能称之为聚会?这里有许多你能用来进行装饰竞赛的不同用品。饼干或是人,选择你喜欢的就好了。 2. Cookie Exchange交换饼干 If you plan on Christmas with a large group, set up a Christmas cookie exchange. Everyone should bring individually wrapped portions of their cookies to the party, as well as recipes, so that each person can have a sample to take home and enjoy. 如果你打算圣诞节时和一群人一起度过,进行一下圣诞节饼干交换吧。每个人都要带一份自己的饼干参加,配方也需要,一遍每个人都能带回家借鉴和享受。 3. Name That Tune疯狂猜曲 Do you remember that game show from the 70s where people would try to name a tune in so many notes? Why not play the same game with your friends and family by naming Christmas songs? This is a great activity for a big group and people can be split into individual teams or larger groups. 你还记得哪个始于 70年代的综艺节目吗?一个让人们在许多提示下猜曲子的节目。为什么不和你的朋友及家人一起用圣诞节歌曲尝试一下呢?这个游戏很适合大量人一起玩,并且可以进行团体战也可以进行个人战。 4. Do A Thanksgiving Activity玩感恩节喜欢玩的活动 There are some fun and frugal Thanksgiving activities. Just change the theme from Thanksgiving to Christmas and you’re all set! 有很多又有趣有省钱的感恩节活动。只需要把主题从感恩换成圣诞就都解决了!