
If you see British Prime Minister David Cameron on a high-speed train in China, don't be too surprised. 如果你在中国的高铁车厢里见到英国首相戴维·卡梅伦,不要太吃惊。

In a recent interview, Cameron said he is looking forward to traveling by rapid rail during his visit. 最近接收采访时,卡梅伦称自己很期待访华期间乘坐高铁旅行。

In October, London Mayor Boris Johnson took a high-speed train from Beijing to Shanghai and described it as" amazing". 今年十月份,伦敦市长鲍里斯·约翰逊曾在中国乘坐高铁从北京去往上海,他称中国高铁“令人赞叹”。


" I am very interested in what's happening with high-speed rail in China," Cameron said. " It seems to be an absolute high-speed revolution taking place." “我对中国高速铁路技术的发展现状很感兴趣,”卡梅伦说,“中国似乎正在展开一场高速铁路的技术革命。

Cameron last visited China in 2010, but he hasn't yet been to Shanghai, which he will cover this time around. 卡梅伦上次访华是在 2010年,当时他没有去上海,这次卡梅伦计划去上海走一趟。

When it comes to Chinese food, Cameron said hotpot in Chengdu, Sichuan province, is what he most wants to eat during this visit. 谈到中国美食,卡梅伦说,四川成都的火锅是他此次访华最期待的中国美食。

" I met with some British students who are studying Mandarin in a British primary school this week," he said. " I asked the teacher which of all the places I was visiting was the most important place to eat, and she recommended the Chengdu hotpot." “本周我曾经与一些在英国小学学普通话的学生见过面,”他说,“我问他们的老师,在我去过的所有中国省市中,美食最多的是什么地方。她向我推荐了成都火锅。

" I will make sure when I am in Chengdu that I will have hotpot," Cameron said, smiling. “当我去成都的时候,我一定要品尝一下火锅。”卡梅伦笑着说。

Cameron also suggested that Chinese people visit Britain, as well as Europe's 25 - country Schengen region. The region offers unrestricted travel across borders. 卡梅伦也鼓励中国人去拜访英国,拜访欧洲的 25个申根公约国,旅游者如果持有其中一国的旅游签证即可合法地到所有其他申根国家。