
A tone-deaf teenager who suffered a concussion has astonished his family by suddenly being able to play music effortlessly. 一个音痴少年经历了一次脑震荡之后,忽然可以毫不费力的演奏各种乐器。他的家人被吓了一跳。

Lachlan Connors, a high school junior from Denver, Colorado, now plays 13 instruments - even though he has never learned to read music这个名为拉克伦·康纳斯的少年是科罗拉多州丹佛市的一名高中生。如今他可以演奏 13种乐器——尽管他从未学过识谱。

But he didn't always have such a talent; as a younger student he loved sport, dreamed on a career playing lacrosse - and had no passion for music. 他的音乐才能并非与生俱来。这个高中生之前一直喜欢体育,并且希望以后能成为职业长曲棍球选手——对音乐他并不热衷。


' He really had no talent, ' his mother Elsie Hamilton told CBS Denver. ' I would say," Can't you hear what's next?" with something like" Mary Had a Little Lamb" or" Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" and hed say" No". ' When he was in the sixth grade, he was playing lacrosse with his local team when he fell backwards and smacked the back of his head against the ground, suffering a concussion. “过去他确实没有音乐方面的才能,”少年的母亲对 CBS丹佛电视台记者说,“过去我会问他,‘你听不出下一个音符是什么吗?’,即使是《玛丽有只小羊羔》或者《小星星》这样简单的歌曲,他也会说‘听不出来’。”他六年级的时候,有一次和本地的长曲棍球队打比赛摔了一跤,后脑勺着地造成了脑震荡。

' I remember getting up and feeling really dazed, ' he told CBS. ' I didn't really understand something bad had happened. '“我记得我爬起来的时候,感觉有点晕,”他对 CBS电视台记者说,“我当时还没有意识到自己脑部受了伤。

The doctors told him he could return to the field, but he went on to suffer another couple of hard hits to the head, which sent him to hospital and caused him to suffer epileptic seizures. 医生认为他可以回到场上继续比赛,结果他的头部又受到了几次严重撞击,他开始发癫痫,被送往医院救助。

As his condition worsened, he started to hallucinate and doctors told him he should not play contact sports anymore - but there was one bizarre good side effect: his new-found musical talent. 接着他的情况不断恶化,开始产生幻觉。医生告诉他他不能再参与接触性运动了。诡异的是,他的这次事故产生了一种有益的副作用:他开始具备音乐才能。

He said he can now play as many as 13 instruments, including piano, guitar, mandolin, ukelele, harmonica, karimba and bagpipes - both Scottish and Irish ones. ' Music is the thing that gets me up in the morning, ' he said. 他说现在他可以演奏 13种乐器,其中包括曼陀铃琴、四弦琴、口琴、拇指琴和风笛等等——苏格兰风笛和爱尔兰风笛他都会吹。“每天早晨都是音乐将我唤醒的。”他说。

His doctor, Dr. Spyridon Papadopoulos, said the theory is that the concussions switched on part of Lachlan's brain that had previously been dormant. 少年的医生,斯彼利当·帕帕多普洛斯将这种现象解释为,脑震荡或使康纳斯的大脑中某些一直休眠的部分开始活动了。

The condition of suddenly developing a talent - musical, artistic or mathematical - is called acquired savant syndrome and is believed to occur when the right brain compensates for an injury on the left brain. 这种忽然间发展出某种才能——音乐才能、艺术才能或数学才能——的病例被称作“后天性学者症候群”,其产生原因是左脑遭受损伤后,右脑作出的补偿机制。

Last year, another Denver man, Derek Amato, said that following a concussion he could play eight instruments even though he'd never had a lesson in his life. 去年,一个名为德里克·阿玛托的丹佛人遭受脑震荡之后发现自己可以演奏 8种乐器,尽管他从未学过任何一种。