
Do you know what is the best time to submit a job application? 你知道提交工作申请最佳时间是什么时候吗?

This is a great question and one I've pondered before myself. While it's important to jump on a listing as soon as you can get your material together, I don't think there is any reason to get hung up on the time of day you submit your initial correspondence or application. 这个问题提得很好,我自己之前就思考过这个问题。重点在于尽快填好反馈信息表连同你的工作申请材料一起提交这才是最重要的,我认为没有任何理由非得刻意去挑什么所谓理想的一天甚至具体到这天的几点几分来提交你的初次基本反馈信息表或工作申请表。


Each hiring manager will have his or her own process for reviewing the applications that come in and a set deadline for filling the position. I believe it's more important to make sure your cover letter is flawless and that your correspondence is impressive than it is to be concerned with the time you submit it. On the off chance the hiring manager is the type of person who pays attention to the time you submit your application, sending an email early in the morningas in between 6 and 9 a. m. could be impressive because it says you are an enthusiastic early bird. 每一位人事经理对工作申请都会有他/她自己的一套审查程序,并且对空缺职位的招聘期限也都是设定好了的。我认为重点在于你要确认你的求职信没有任何问题,你的初次基本反馈信息能给人留下深刻印象,而重点并不在于你在提交时间上投入过多精力。人事经理不大可能纠结于你提交工作申请的时间,特意关注你是不是在上午的 6点~ 9点这个时间段发送,这个时间很可能会给人留下深刻印象,就像人们常说的,早起的鸟儿有虫吃。

That being said, make sure to keep the hiring manager's schedule in mind if you decided to make a follow-up call. My advice in that case is to call during business hours on a lower stress day of the week like Tuesday or Wednesday and plan what you will say in advance. 话虽如此,为做到万无一失,如果你还想打个电话确认一下的话,那么,记好人事经理的日常工作安排。在这种情况下,我建议你挑人事经理工作不是很紧张的一天打电话,在周二或周四的上班时间打电话,并且提前想好你打电话要说的内容。