
Hardy pensioner Dorothy Howe has reached her 100 th birthday - despite smoking nearly half a million cigarettes during her life. 老烟枪多萝西 -豪依尽管一生中抽了近 50万支烟,还是迎来了她的百岁生日。

The retired secretary took her first drag aged 16 and has puffed her way through 15 Superking Black ciggies every day since then. 这名退休秘书自从 16岁起,每天都会抽上 15Superking Black香烟。

She has smoked around 460,000 cigarettes over the last 84 years - costing£ 193,000 at today’s prices. 在过去的 84年里,她抽了约有 46万支烟,按现在的物价计算下来她在抽烟上花了 19.3万英镑。


But despite the obvious health risks, Dorothy believes smoking is the secret to her old age - and a regular drop of whisky. 尽管知道吸烟明显有害健康,但多萝西仍然相信每天抽烟和喝一杯威士忌就是她长寿的秘诀。

Relaxing with her favourite tipple of Bell’s, she said: ' I put my health down to whisky and cigarettes. I only drink when I’m out but my doctor said I wouldnt be alive without them. 她最爱喝金铃威士忌,喝酒可以让她放松。她说:“我的健康秘诀就是威士忌和香烟。我只是在外面才喝酒,但我的医生说离了烟我就没法儿活。

' I’m still alive and I can lift my elbows - it’s great. I’ve had a great life and God has treated me very well. I’ve been very lucky.'“ 我现在仍然活力四射,而且还可以举起手肘,这真棒。上帝真的很眷顾我,让我能如此长寿,我真的很幸运。

' I keep telling myself that I'm going to quit smoking when they put the prices up, but that's just not going to happen now. Whisky tastes just as good as it used to though. My pins aren't as fast as they used to be, but my mind is still sharp, ' she said. 多萝西说:“我一直提醒自己,如果香烟价格再上涨的话,我就要戒烟。但现在看来戒烟是不可能的了。威士忌的味道倒是一直都很不错,我的手脚虽然没有以前那么灵活了,但是我的脑袋还灵光着呢。

On her milestone birthday, friends took Dot to her local pub where she had a couple of drinks before returning home to open her card from the Queen. Friend Lynn Sass said: ' She has the respect and friendship of a lot of people around here. She's wonderful and a great character. 在里程碑的百岁生日当天,她的朋友们带她去当地酒吧小酌了几杯,后来她回到家后还收到了英国女王寄来的贺卡。她的朋友林恩-萨斯说:“在我们这里,她拥有很多人的尊重和友谊,她很棒性格很好。

' She's thought very highly of and we hope she's had a great time. It's a real achievement for a great woman.' “大家对她的评价都很高,我们都期望她能继续快乐地活下去,这么长寿真不容易。