英国小猫误拨电话报警 警察破门而入

When a silent 999 call came through, police were taking no chances. 当有人拨打了 911却没有说话,警方一定会前往救助。

The address was traced and officers were dispatched. 警方锁定了报警人的位置,然后立即派遣警员出动了。

With no response to their knocking and ringing of the bell, they battered down the front door and discovered, to their relief and amusement, the unlikely source of the SOS. 警察们敲门按门铃,都没有回应。于是他们撞开前门,终于找到了报警电话不可思议的来由。虚惊一场,警察们被逗乐了。

The call had come from Bruce, a pedigree Singapura kitten, who had been left indoors while the flat’s occupants were at work, and who had been pursuing his fascination with the house telephone and managed to call the emergency number as he pawed at it. 电话是猫咪布鲁斯拨出去的。这只纯种新加坡猫被留在家里,主人出去工作了。布鲁斯对家里的座机电话发生了浓厚的兴趣,它把爪子按在按键上,就拨出了紧急电话。

英国小猫误拨电话报警 警察破门而入

He was found by officers hiding in a wardrobelooking very naughty’. 警方人员发现它躲在衣柜里,“看起来十分淘气”。

Last night owner James Cocksedge, 33, a sound engineer told how he came home to find an officer waiting in his car outside his flat in north-west Londonwith the door hanging off its hinges. 1031日晚上,猫咪的主人, 33岁的著名工程师詹姆士·考克斯基向记者讲述了这段经历——他回家的时候发现一个警官坐在车里,在他这座位于伦敦西北区的公寓门口等着他,公寓的大门悬在门栓上半掉不掉的。

The first thing he said to me was,“ dont worry the cat is fine”,’ he said,‘ and I knew then that Bruce was involved. “那位警官对我说的第一句话是,‘别担心,你的猫没事。’”考克斯基对记者说,“我立刻知道了,事情与布鲁斯有关。

Since we had the landline installed Bruce always rushes to answer the phone when it rings. He’s also fascinated by the buttons, which he loves to press.’ “自从我们安装了固定电话之后,只要电话铃一响,布鲁斯总是抢着去接。他还特别喜欢电话上的按键,他喜欢用爪子按它们。

The police officer then explained theyd received a 999 call from our address.They were only doing their job,’ he added. For all they know something really dangerous was going on in the flat.’ “警方解释说,他们接到了从我家地址拨出去的报警电话。他们只是在尽自己的职责”考克斯基补充说,“接到报警电话的时候他们只能确信,在这栋公寓里发生了什么危险的事情。

However, it has left him with a bills for several hundred pounds for a new front door. 然而为了换上新的大门,考克斯基得要支付数百英镑的账单。

A Metropolitan Police spokesman confirmed officers had been called to Mr Cocksedge’s flat on October 17. 伦敦警察厅的一位发言人承认 1017日警方接到报警电话后曾赶往考克斯基先生的公寓。

A cat is referred to in the closing remarks of the record of police attendance at the address,’ he said.The Metropolitan Police Service takes all abandoned calls made to police seriously.’ “在警方出警记录的最后结论中,提到了这只猫。”他说。“伦敦警察厅对任何无实际危险事件发生的报警电话都会严肃对待。