受伤袋鼠闯入墨尔本机场 跑到医疗室欲“就医”

A kangaroo hopped into Melbourne airport in Australia and has been captured by authorities, after entering a pharmacy on the terminal's second level. 一只袋鼠蹦进了澳大利亚墨尔本机场,窜进了机场航站楼二楼的一家药店里,后来在那里被当局抓获。

Police closed the pharmacy as volunteer wildlife rescuers wrangled the kangaroo into a bag. It is believed the kangaroo was from nearby bushland and was hit by a car before entering the terminal. 警察封锁了药店出入口,野生动物救助志愿者们立刻七手八脚的将这只袋鼠套进了带子里。据悉这只袋鼠是从附近的灌木丛中误闯此地的,在到达航站楼前曾经被车撞到。

The airport said it did not know how the kangaroo arrived at the airport's second level. It was eventually found in the skincare section of the pharmacy. 机场人员称他们不知道袋鼠是怎么爬上机场二楼的。人们最后是在药店里的护肤品区域里找到它的。


The incident was recorded on social media, where Australian comedian Julia Morris tweeted:" OK, so I'm at Melbourne airport& a KANGAROO has just jumped into the chemist..." 社交媒体也记录下了这一突发事件。澳大利亚喜剧演员茱莉亚·莫妮斯发推特说:“好吧,我在墨尔本机场,一只袋鼠刚刚蹦进了药店……”

Wildlife authorities said the kangaroo was" tranquillised and captured safely". 野生动物保护当局称袋鼠已经“被注射了镇定剂并安全捕获。

" Cyrus, named after one of the helpers on the scene, will be assessed by a vet following his ordeal," said the animal welfare organisation Wildlife Victoria. “我们以一位现场救援者的名字给这只袋鼠命名为塞勒斯。塞勒斯刚经历了一场历险,接下来它将接受兽医的检查。” 当地一个动物福利组织“维多利亚野生动物机构”发言人说。

The airport's tarmac is guarded to prevent kangaroos interfering with flights, but the marsupials are relatively free to enter the terminal and surrounding buildings. Earlier this year, a kangaroo hopped into the airport's car park and led police on a chase before it was caught and sedated. 该机场在飞机跑道上设置了障碍物,防止袋鼠干扰飞机起降,但是机场其他地方和周边地方却没有设置相应防护措施、袋鼠们几乎可以自由出入。今年 1月份的时候,一只袋鼠蹦进了机场停车场,和警察展开了追逐战,最后才被制服捕获。

" From where we are located there are kangaroos within the area, ' ' said airport spokeswoman Anna Gillett. 机场女发言人安娜·吉安丽塔称,“机场所在地周边的确有不少袋鼠。