
An adorable toddler has become an internet sensation for giving her mother a sweet and memorable video for her birthday - with the help of her professional photographer father. 一个蹒跚学步的可爱小女孩在网上走红了,她为过生日的妈妈录制了一段温馨的珍藏版视频——当然是在当专业摄影师的爸爸的帮助下。

In a YouTube clip that has been viewed more than 230,000 times, two-year-old Claire lists all the reasons why her mommy is the ' greatest mommy, ' stopping occasionally to try and count each of them on her fingers. 在视频网站 YouTube上这段视频点击率已经超过 23万,视频中两岁大的克莱尔数出了所有的理由,证明她的妈妈是“最好的妈妈”,其间偶尔停下来,用手指数着已经说过的理由。

' Hi Mommy. I just wanted to say. Happy birthday! ' she exclaims. ' I want you to know that you're the greatest mommy. I love you so much. There's a lot of reasons why I love you.' “嗨,妈咪。我想对你说……生日快乐!”她大声说。“我想让你知道,你是最好的妈咪。我非常爱你。我有很多理由为什么爱你。


Claire then goes on to list all the reasons why she loves her mother, starting with: ' Number one. You are beautiful!' 克莱尔接着列出了所有她爱妈妈的理由,最开始的一条理由是:“第一,你很美丽!

The two-year-old is all the more adorable thanks to her bright yellow wrap dress and cute pigtail hairstyle. 这个两岁大的小女孩穿着莹黄色的裹身裙,扎着两个小辫子,这样的打扮让她看起来越发可爱。

Claire's reason number two, which she says with a huge grin, is: ' You are amazing! ' Camera cuts between each phrase she utters show just how painstakingly her father, who goes by Daniel J, edited the video. 克莱尔说到第二个理由的时候,咧开嘴大笑着,她说:“你非常棒!”从她每句话之间的镜头剪切可以看出她的爸爸丹尼尔在剪辑时异常小心。

' Number three - you're the best mommy ever, ' she exclaims, swinging her arms to and fro in excitement. “第三,你是世界上最好的妈妈,”她大声说着,兴奋地前后挥舞着胳膊。

At number four, Claire struggles to count out four fingers on her hand. When she finally achieves this feat, she says loudly: ' You're the best cook! ' while splaying her arms out wide. 说到第四个理由时,克莱尔努力数出四个手指头来计数。当她完成了这一壮举时,她大张开两只胳膊说,“你是最好的厨师!

The mood changes slightly when she says to the camera in a heartfelt voice: ' I love being with you. You work so hard and I miss you when you're gone.' 这时欢庆的气氛微妙地转变为温情的气氛,她对着镜头轻轻吐露心声说:“我喜欢你陪着我。当你不在时我会想念你。

' Are you ready? Happy birthday!! To you, ' she sings. ' Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to mommy, happy birthday to you!' “准备好了吗?祝你生日快乐!” 她唱到,“祝你生日快乐。祝妈妈生日快乐,祝你生日快乐!

At the end of the video, Claire leans in close to the camera and whispers sweetly: ' I love you, ' before waving and blowing a kiss with the words: ' Bye bye!' 在视频的尾声,克莱尔靠近镜头甜甜的悄声说:“我爱你”,然后挥着手,对镜头飞吻,说“拜拜!