长沙动物园“人虎拔河” 引争议

Changsha Ecological Zoo in a" tug of war tiger man" game. A Siberian tiger bite of food sacks, sacks tied by a rope, pulling tourists through the other end of the rope and the Amur tigers tug. Zoo says this is to train a wild Siberian tiger, the tiger avoid long-term sick captive. Ministry of Housing recently released" National Zoo Development Program", which explicitly" eliminate all animal performances." Some experts believe that" human tiger tug of war" belongs animal shows, zoos suspected breach of the Ministry of Housing.



7 visitors and zoo tigers for" human tiger tug of war".


At 11:00 on September 27, Changsha Ecological Zoo for a few games," people tiger tug of war" game. In Liger promenade, zoo keepers will a rope across the Amur tiger venue wooden panes, a tied sack containing a live chicken, and the other head on the gallery. Sack was thrown tiger event venue, the tiger will bite sacks through the chickens to pull the rope. At this point, visitors can pull promenade through this side of the rope and the Siberian tiger tug of war game. It is reported, in which a game, seven tourists pull on the rope, can not win a four-year-old Siberian tiger.

92711点,长沙生态动物园进行了几场“人虎拔河”的比赛。在狮虎长廊,动物园的饲养员将一根麻绳穿过东北虎的活动场地的木质窗格,一头拴着装着一只活鸡的麻袋,另一头放在长廊中。麻袋被抛到东北虎活动的场地之后,东北虎就会通过咬麻袋中的活鸡来拉扯绳子。此时,游客就可以通过拉扯长廊这端的绳子和东北虎进行拔河比赛。据悉,在其中的一场比赛中, 7名游客用力拉扯绳子,都赢不了一只 4岁的东北虎。


During November will officially move to strengthen tiger wild tug of war.


Beijing Youth Daily reporter contacted yesterday, Changsha Ecological Zoo media receptionist Yi Ting. Yi Ting said that the 27 th is just a tug of war contest notice the nature of activities, the event will be officially launched the National Day holiday from October 1 until October 7. Zoo is divided into pedestrian area and car dealers area, which is located liger tiger corridor located in a pedestrian zone. Tourists to buy tickets for$ 45, you can participate in this activity. Participate in activities at the site chosen breeder of tourists, it will try to pick adults, the elderly and children to avoid involvement.

北京青年报记者昨日联系到了长沙生态动物园的媒体接待员易婷。易婷表示, 27日的拔河比赛只是一个预告性质的活动,正式的活动将在国庆假期推出,从 101日持续到 107日。动物园分为步行区和车行区,其中东北虎所在的狮虎长廊位于步行区。游客购买 45元的门票,就可以参与这项活动。饲养员在现场挑选参与活动的游客时,会尽量挑选成年人,避免老人和孩子参与活动。

The reason why the National Day holiday to launch this activity, Yi Ting said that is because some time ago, and other zoos just do the exchange, to explore how we can exercise a wild animal. In other zoos have learned to take this approach, you ready to try it in the park. Just in time for the National Day holiday, in which during the launch of the Siberian tiger and tourists interactive activities. Meanwhile, the launch of this before the event, the zoo has consulted the relevant animal protection experts, and the communication and professionals, in order to ensure feasibility.


Yi Ting said, under normal circumstances, the zoo keepers fed to the tigers, will cut a piece of raw meat to the tiger to eat. Over time, the wild tiger will gradually be killing. In order to enhance their wild, zoo animals will live chickens and other live birds into the venue to make their own prey.


But will the tiger involved in a tug of war damage, Yi Ting said that participation in the activities of Siberian tiger cubs are not, but are biting rope and sacks, one bite will be broken, so it will not hurt. Conversely, increasing the difficulty of their prey, it will enhance their ability to survive in the wild, in order to make them more wild.


When asked whether they are animal shows, Ting Yi said that this should not be regarded animal performances. " Animals like the kind of circus performers is right, this tug of war should not animal shows it."
