美国宾州惊现大脚怪 身高超两米

You wait years for a decent sighting of the legendary ape-like creature known as Bigfoot, and then two come along at once. 你等待多年只为一睹传说中的大脚怪的风采,现在你一下子就可以看见一对大脚怪。

The fascinating photographs, taken just two weeks ago near Bradford, Pennsylvania, appear to show a pair of Bigfoots, or perhaps that should be Bigfeet, wandering through the trees. 这组惊人的照片拍摄于两周前,记录了在美国宾夕法尼亚州布拉德福德附近,出现了一对大脚怪在林子里闲晃。

Keen hiker John Stoneman claims he spotted the seven-foot-tall beasts just yards from a main road through trees in Kinzua State Park. 登山爱好者约翰 -斯通曼称,他开车经过金祖阿州立公园的主干道,突然发现树林里有一只大约 7英尺高(约 2.1米)的野兽。

Mr Stoneman, 57, had been returning from the Kinzua Bridge Fall Festival with his girlfriend when the pair saw the mysterious shape moving in the forest. 现年 57岁的斯通曼和女友在旅游的回程中发现了林子里有奇怪的生物在移动。

美国宾州惊现大脚怪 身高超两米

He quickly grabbed his camera and fired off these shots as they slowed the car down and edged along the road. 斯通曼快速抓起相机拍照,一边放慢车速、沿着路边开车。

Traffic backing-up behind his vehicle forced John to move on but not before he got what he believes is some of the best evidence yet of the existence of the legendary North American creature. 因为后面还有车,斯通曼怕阻碍交通,拍了几张照片后就继续行驶,但他认为这就是传说中北美大脚怪存在的最佳证据。

Mr Stoneman, from Bradford, PA, said: ' I'm a sceptic myself, I'm not a believer, but this was not a bear and you can see fur on it. ' It's wider at the shoulders and tapers down whereas a bear is bigger in the middle and stands differently with its paws out, this was standing like a man, like a Bigfoot. 斯通曼说“我自己也是一个怀疑论者,但这真的不是熊,你可以看到它的皮毛。它有明显的肩膀和上宽下窄的身型,而且它站立的方式就像人一样,像个大脚怪。

' At first some people have discredited it and said it's just a root ball at the bottom of a fallen tree, but I've been back to the exact spot and there is no root ball there. ' We do have black bears, but they are considerably smaller than this, it was standing about seven-foot tall.' “一开始有一些人抹黑这些照片,认为这只是倒下来的树底部的根球,但我后来回到拍照的地点,并没有根球。我们这儿确实有黑熊,但它们比这个动物要小,这个大约 7英尺高。

He said: ' This area is known for Bigfoot sightings but this is the first time I have seen anything like this, I am in the woods every week, I hunt and go hiking. ' I went back to the exact spot where it had been and there was nothing there, just years and years of leaves on the floor.' 斯通曼说,“这个地区是著名的大脚怪目击地,我倒是第一次见过这样的事,我每个星期都会去打猎、爬山。当我再回到拍到它的确切地点,那儿什么也没有,只是长年累月的落叶。

It comes as researchers told a new conference in Texas that they have proof Big foot is real and have even collected DNA samples. 在德克萨斯的一次会议上,研究者表示已经有证据表明大脚怪确实存在,并且他们已经采集到了一些大脚怪的 DNA样本了。