
One bearded man has truly earned his namesake by proving his incredible beard with weekly pictures. 这个蓄胡子的男人每周上传造型绝伦的胡须照片,真是“名不虚传” 啊。

Isaiah Webb - dubbed Incredibeard - has grown his facial fuzz to large proportions, allowing him to style it into unique designs. 以赛亚·韦伯诨名“不思议大胡子”,他将胡须蓄到了相当惊人的长度,这样他可以制作各种独特的胡须造型。

Facial hair enthusiast Webb, 29, of San Francisco, is ' a simple man with an extraordinary mission ', hoping to creatively transform his impressive facial fuzz into into bizarre works of art. 今年 29岁的韦伯是一名胡须造型粉,家住在旧金山。他自称是“背负着超凡使命的普通人”,志于用他超长的胡子做出奇诡的艺术品。


He posts pictures of his sculpted facial hair on Tumblr and Instagram every Monday. Each week, fans write in with crazy suggestions on how to style his beard. 每周一,他都会在图片分享网站 TumblrInstagram上传胡须造型照。每个星期,对他感兴趣的网友都会送来各种疯狂的胡须造型建议。

This has resulted in some crazy styles including constructing a bowl for his ramen - dubbedthe Big Bowl O'Beard Ramen( one of his personal favourites) - and crafting five beer cup holders beneath his chin. 于是就出现了许多疯狂的造型,包括这个用胡须做碗吃拉面的造型——诨名“胡须来一桶”(这是他本人最喜欢的造型之一),以及用胡子当托盘盛五杯咖啡的造型。

In an interview with Mashable, Incredibeard admits that he hasn't been clean-shaven in about 15 years, but only really began growing his beard out 18 months ago. 在接受新闻博客网站 Mashable的采访时,“不思议大胡子”坦言他大概已经 15年没有刮光过胡子了,但是直到一年半之前,他才开始有意识的蓄胡子。

The decorative displays are each designed by Webb himself and styled by his wife, Aphan. In fact, it was his wife who urged him to grow his beard and pursue this unusual undertaking. 这些胡须艺术造型都是由韦伯本人设计,由他的妻子艾凡制作的。事实上,是韦伯的妻子鼓励他开始蓄胡子并开始做胡须造型的。

'[ My wife] was really the one that kept pushing me to grow a beard, then to grow it out long. She is at the heart of Incredibeard, ' Incredibeard tells Mashable. “不思议大胡子”对 Mashable网站说,“正是(我的妻子)不断地鼓励我蓄胡子,并且把它留长的。我能成为不思议大胡子,主要得归功于她。

' I may come up with the different beard design ideas, but she is the one that styles everything. She brings the beard art to life. Incredibeard would be nothing without her.' “可能我会负责想出各种不同的胡须造型,而真正打点造型的人是她。她赋予了这些胡须艺术造型以生命。如果没有她,不思议大胡子就什么也不是。