BBC主播闹乌龙误把打印纸当 iPad

Tablet computers and iPads have become something of a regular prop held by newsreaders and television presenters while they talk to camera. 各种平板电脑和 iPad现在已经成了新闻广播员和电视节目主持人常用的道具,在他们对着镜头侃侃而谈时,手里一般都会拿着这个。

But BBC News presenter Simon McCoy left viewers baffled when he introduced a feature about ' drunk tanks ' by holding something slightly less technical. 不过 BBC的新闻主播西蒙 -麦科伊此前在播报一条关于“酒鬼拘留所”的新闻时,手里拿着的东西看上去不太像是科技产品,这也让观众们一头雾水。

The 51 - year-old broadcaster had intended to pick up his trusted iPad when the cameras prepared to roll in the BBC studios - but instead grabbed a pack of photocopier paper. BBC工作间,当摄影机准备就绪马上就要直播时,这位 51岁的主播本来是拿 iPad上场,结果却拿错了拿起一包打印纸。

BBC主播闹乌龙 误把打印纸当iPad

Viewers saw McCoy holding the packet in a full-length shot as he hosted the item live on the rollling BBC News channel without any explanation. 由于是全身镜头拍摄,所以 BBC新闻频道的观众能看到麦科伊手里拿着那包打印纸直播新闻,但却没有做任何解释。

But the BBC later said he had picked it up by mistake. Although he realised his error, McCoy didn't have time to swap his paper for the expensive gadget and instead ' went with it '. 不过 BBC后来表示,麦科伊是拿错了。虽然当时他意识到了自己的错误,但根本没有时间换成 iPad,所以只能硬着头皮继续了。

In the past the presenter has been seen briefly resting his head on the desk when cameras cut to him. 麦科伊主播的囧事可不止这一件:以前曾出现过在直播中当摄影机切换到他时,他却把头伏在桌上休息的场景。