吃货要当心:盘点 10件吃引发的囧事

After a woman dislocated her jaw on a giant triple decker burger we've compiled a top ten list of food-related injuries. 不久前一位女士在吃超级三层芝士堡时下颌意外脱臼。由此我们总结出十大食物引起的人身伤害。

A 63 - year-old woman became ' pregnant ' with 12 baby squid after eating calamari, in South Korea last year. 去年韩国一位 63岁女性吃过炸鱿鱼后,意外“怀上了” 12只鱿鱼宝宝。

She was eating some cooked whole squid when she felt a sharp pain. Hospital staff found she had bitten into the squid’s sperm sac, impregnating the lining of her mouth. 她说有一次在吃整只鱿鱼时突然感到疼痛。医务人员发现她咬破了鱿鱼精囊,结果就在嘴里就“怀”上了小鱿鱼。

Last week a man collapsed and died trying to eat thirty raw eggs in a bet with friends. 上周有一男子和朋友打赌一口气吃 30个生鸡蛋,结果蛋还没吃完人先倒地死亡了。


Dhaou Fatnassi, 20, scoffed 28 before he started feeling violently ill, in Tunisia. He had died by the time he reached hospital. 扎乌・法特纳西,突尼斯人,今年 20岁。在他吞下第 28个鸡蛋后突然感到身体不适,等人送到医院时就已经死了。

Edward Archbold, 32, died after a cockroach eating contest in Wuhan, China two months ago. 2个月前 32岁的爱德华·阿奇博尔德在中国武汉吃蟑螂比赛现场身亡。

A post mortem showed he choked to death due to his airways being blocked by one of the insects, in Florida, USA. 随后在弗罗里达州,法医验尸结果显示,一只蟑螂堵住了死者气管,造成当事人窒息死亡。

A 26 - year-old man was rushed to hospital in Wuhan, China after eating a bowl of chilli so hot it opened a hole in his stomach and left him vomiting blood, in December 2012. 201212月,中国武汉一名 26岁男子吃了一大碗辣椒,导致胃部灼伤穿孔,吐血不止,只能被火速送往医院。

He'd eaten the spiciest version of a soup called mala, which means ' numbing hot '. 他吃的这种超级辣的汤被称为“麻辣烫”。

NHL player Dustin Penner once threw his back out eating pancakes and had to be dropped from the line up of his team the Los Angeles Kings. 冰球运动员达斯汀·彭纳吃煎饼时把腰闪了,不得不退出洛杉矶国王队的一线阵容。

He said:" Apparently it's one of those mysterious things, where you can throw it out sneezing. I just leaned over." 他说:“很显然这事情很诡异,就像打喷嚏能把腰闪了一样。我只是往前倾了倾身子。

A Serbian man who boasted he could eat an entire bicycle almost managed it until he choked on a pedal and had to be rushed to hospital, in 2011. 2011年,一位塞尔维亚人说他能吃掉整辆自行车,结果就在他快要成功时,却被脚蹬子卡住了,不得不赶往医院。

During the emergency surgery, doctors found five pounds of metal and two gold rings inside the 80 - year-old. 在急诊手术过程中,医生发现这位 80岁老人体内有 5磅金属和 2个金戒指。

A school banned triangular flapjacks after a pupil was injured by one in March. 三月一小学生被燕麦饼砸伤后,学校禁止食堂供应三角形燕麦饼。

Dinner staff at Castle View school in Canvey Island, Essex were told to cut the treat into squares or rectangles after one was thrown, hitting a boy in the face. 在英国埃塞克斯肯维岛堡景小学食堂,此前一个小男生被丢过来的三角饼砸伤脸部,此后食堂里只提供正方形和长方形的燕麦饼。

A keen amateur cook died after a super-hot chilli challenge. 一位热衷料理的业余厨师在试吃超级辣椒后身亡。

Fork-lift truck driver Andrew Lee, 33, of Edlington, South Yorks, suffered heart failure in 2008 after betting his girlfriend's brother he could make the most fiery sauce with a Thai variety his dad had grown. 33岁的安德鲁·李家住南约克艾德灵顿,是个叉车司机。 2008年他死于心脏病,据称此前他曾和女友弟弟打赌,说他能用其父亲种植的变种泰国辣椒做出世界上最辣的酱。

Dozens of children were injured when a food fight erupted at their school in Ohio last spring. 去年春天俄亥俄州一小学校内爆发食物大战,数十名儿童受伤。

The lunchtime fight broke out between students at Cranwood Elementary and resulted inapproximately 26 injuriesranging from head injuries and a broken wrist, to cuts and bruises. 克兰伍德小学午餐时间发生大规模学生争斗,“大约 26人受伤”,有的伤到了头部,有的手腕骨折,还有的被撞伤割伤。

A police chief ended up in hospital after eating a cake laced with cannabis meant for his daughter. 一位警察局长吃了大麻做花边的蛋糕后被送到医院,这块蛋糕原本是给他女儿吃的。

Mike Berkemeier said he thought he was going to die after accidentally eating it in Laurelville, Ohio.He thought it had been left by a friend after his other daughter was hurt in a road accident. 俄亥俄州克劳威尔市的迈克·贝克米尔回忆说,误食蛋糕后他真以为自己要死了。他认为这块蛋糕是自己另一个女儿车祸受伤后一个朋友留给她的。