爱美女生必看: 穿高跟鞋的脚很恐怖

The first 3 D scan of a female foot in high heels has highlighted the painful price fashion-conscious women may pay for tottering around in towering Christian Louboutins or Jimmy Choos. 全世界第一张 3 D扫描仪显示出穿女士高跟鞋时脚的受力情况,这张图警示那些穿 Christian LouboutinsJimmy Choos牌子的加高高跟鞋、甚至连走路摇摇晃晃的女性,她们为了追求时尚付出的代价有多么惨痛。

Consultant orthopaedic surgeon Andy Goldberg says all the body weight gets forced on to the front of the feet, eventually causing unsightly clawed toes that can become arthritic. 外科整形手术咨询医师安迪·戈德堡说,身体所有重量都被压到脚掌前部,最终导致难看的爪形脚趾,并会诱发关节炎。

Wearingstilettos pushes and twists bones out of line, resulting in knobbly bunions and other painful conditions. 细高跟鞋会挤压扭曲脚部,致使骨头变形,关节肿大、拇趾囊肿和其他多种疼痛症状。

Mr Goldberg, a foot and ankle specialist, said the technology was a major advance over traditional 2 D X-rays, which could lead to misdiagnoses. The scanner gives us much more information,’ he said. 足部及脚踝专家戈德堡先生认为,这项技术要远远优于传统的二维 X射线技术,能避免很多误诊。他说:“这种扫描仪为我们提供更全面的信息。

It shows the deformity caused by wearing high heels is much more complicated than we previously thought. With high heels, the toes are squashed inside the shoe. The more stiletto-shaped they are, the worse it is. The toes not only get squashed, but they become clawed too.’ “通过仪器我们看到,高跟鞋给脚造成变形的程度要比我们之前想的复杂得多。穿上高跟鞋后,脚趾被塞进鞋里,鞋后跟越细,塞得就越紧。而且不光拥挤,脚趾也变形成爪状。

Pea-shaped bones under the base of the big toecalled sesamoidsget dislodged by the immense pressures put on them. 大脚趾下面豌豆大小的骨头成为籽骨,在巨大压力下还会慢慢移位。

爱美女生必看: 穿高跟鞋的脚很恐怖

Mr Goldberg added:‘ There’s nothing wrong with being in this high heel position temporarilyit forms a part of your normal stride. And if you wear heels for an hour or two at an evening party, it’s not a problem. 戈德堡先生还说:“暂时穿一会儿这种高跟鞋没什么大碍,甚至还能正常大步走路。在晚会上穿一两个小时高跟鞋并不会造成损伤。

But if you wear them for eight hours a day for years on end, you will develop problems.’ “但你若一年到头天天八小时高跟鞋不离脚,那就会出现问题。

Mr Goldberg warns foot pain can be debilitating. Foot and ankle problems affect your walking and take over your life.' 戈德堡先生警告说足部的疼痛足以令人衰弱疲惫。“足部和脚踝的问题直接影响到行走,会硬生生夺走你的生活。

A survey of patients at the hospital’s foot and ankle clinic found that 57 per cent had experienced severe pain as a result of wearing uncomfortable shoes such as high heels. And 86 per cent claimed they found it difficult finding comfortable shoes. In truth, the internet is now awash with firms which offer sensible footwear in fashionable shades. 一项对医院足部及脚踝诊所患者的调查表明, 57%的人由于穿高跟鞋等不舒适的鞋子而引发剧烈疼痛。 86%的人说他们很难找到适合自己的舒适鞋子,但实际上,网上处处都有公司出售合脚舒适、外观时尚的鞋。

Mr Goldberg claimed some patients exaggerated the pain their bunions caused to get them surgically removedso they could then continue to squeeze their feet into fashionable shoes. 戈德堡先生还说,有些人故意夸大拇趾囊肿造成的疼痛,这样她们就能通过手术切除囊肿,接着继续把脚往时尚高跟鞋里塞了。

He said the damage caused by high heels was nothing new:‘ We have always been slaves to fashions that have led to deformity. 医生还说,高跟鞋带来伤害的说法早就不是新闻了:“我们一直都是时尚的奴仆,在其控制下变得畸形。

But what we should be doing is fitting people’s shoes around their feet, rather than the other way around. If a fashion icon such as Victoria Beckham designed a range of shoes that really fitted our feet, then that would be a real game-changer.’ “但我们该做的是去找合适的鞋穿,而不是等着让脚适应鞋。如果能有像 Victoria Beckham这样的时尚品牌设计出真正适合脚的鞋子,那它将会在业界大获全胜。