Wake me up

Avicii原名 Tim Bergling198998日出生于瑞典的斯德哥尔摩省。自小迷恋音乐的他对电音舞曲情有独钟,受到了 Daft Punk的熏陶,加上瑞典地区发达的电音产业让他萌生了成为 DJ的念头。

全球百大 DJ排名第三的瑞典 DJ Avicii携手美国灵魂乐歌手 Aloe Blacc的最新单曲,歌曲混合了 Avicii典型的旋律,活泼的民族式吉他配着 Aloe Blacc振奋人心的演唱,发行首周便空降英国单曲榜冠军,并席卷欧洲各大排行榜,目前在德国,英国等 14个国家夺冠!


Feeling my way through the darkness

Guided by a beating heart I can't tell where the journey will end

But I know where it starts

They tell me I'm too young to understand

They say I'm caught up in a dream

Well life will pass me by if I don't open up my eyes

Well that's fine by me

So wake me up when it's all over

When I'm wiser and I'm older

All this time I was finding myself

And I didn't know I was lost

I tried carrying the weight of the world

But I only have two hands

I hope I get the chance to travel the world

And I don't have any plans

I wish that I could stay forever this young

Not afraid to close my eyes

Life's a game made for everyone

And love is a prize

So wake me up when it's all over

When I'm wiser and I'm older

All this time I was finding myself

And I didn't know I was lost

I didn't know I was lost

I didn't know I was lost

I didn't know I was lost

I didn't know I was lost