

SCIENTISTS have come up with what they say is a formula for happiness. 科学家声称发现了幸福公式。

If people focus on the six specific factors identified they will feel good, according to a top US psychologist. 美国的一位顶尖心理学家说,如果人们关注于六个具体要素就会感到幸福。

The factors are live in the moment (M), be curious (C), do something you love (L), think of others (T), nurture relationships (N), and care of your body (B). And the formula is Feeling Good=( Mx 16+ C+ Lx 2)+( Tx 5+ Nx 2+ Bx 33). 这六个要素分别是:活在当下( M),有好奇心( C),做喜欢的事( L),为他人着想( T),培养关系( N),照顾身体( B)。公式就是:感觉很棒=(活在当下 x 16+好奇心+做喜欢的事 x 2)+(为他人着想 x 5+培养关系 x 2+照顾身体 x 33)。

Dr Todd Kashdan, of George Mason University in Virginia, reviewed the results of nationwide research into how Brits feel. 弗吉尼亚州乔治梅森大学的托德·卡什丹博士对英国人幸福程度的全国性研究结果进行了评价。

He said:“ There is no single secret to feeling good, but when these six ingredients are carefully attended to, in the right doses, you will be on target for a happy life. 他说:“感觉幸福没有单一的诀窍,但当这六种成分都添加进来并正确配比后,你就会感觉人生很幸福。

Each of the ingredients requires a bit of work. Just know that your hard work will lead to the greatest rewards possible.” “这六种成分的每一种都需要付出一点努力,你只要知道你的努力会给你带来最大的回报。

Steven Taylor, marketing director of Transform Cosmetic Surgery, which commissioned the research, said:“ We couldn't be more pleased that the partnership with Dr Kashdan led to the creation of an actual formula to Feel Good. 委任这次研究的 Transform整形外科手术营销总监史蒂芬·泰勒说:“我们无比高兴地看到与卡什丹博士的合作创建了幸福感的真正公式。

We hope that the Feel Good Formula will continue to help boost spirits and put a smile on faces across the UK.” “我们希望幸福公式将继续帮助提振精神,让全英国人民的脸上都有笑容。