西班牙首相乌龙: 列车事故悼词现“甘肃地震”

Mariano Rajoy, the Spanish prime minister, has been ridiculed for issuing a response to the Spanish train crash which had been crudely pasted from a previous statement. 西班牙当地时间 24日火车事故后,首相马里亚诺·拉霍伊立刻对此事作出回应,但这份通过“复制粘贴”之前声明而成的发言稿却遭到嘲笑。

In haste, Mr Rajoy's office put out a statement on Wednesday evening which also conveyed sympathy for the earthquake in the Chinese province of Gansu, which had happened two days previously. 在匆忙混乱中,拉霍伊的首相府于周三晚公布声明,其中也向两天前在中国甘肃省地震中的受灾人群致以慰问。

Mr Rajoy's office said that the prime minister" would like, in the name of my government and of myself individually, send my sincere condolences to the families of those who have lost their lives." 拉霍伊首相称“我谨代表西班牙政府和我本人,向这次事故中不幸丧生的遇难者家属致以最沉重的哀悼。

But the statement continued:" I wish to convey my sympathy for the loss of life and the huge material damage that has resulted from the earthquake in Gansu." 但声明接下来却说:“我向在甘肃地震中生命财产蒙受巨大损失的同胞致以同情哀悼。

The statement was quickly corrected, but not before Spanish newspapers leapt upon the chance to ridicule their embattled leader, who visited the site on Thursday morning. 虽然声明很快就被更正,但西班牙报纸还是赶在前面抓住机会好好羞辱了一番这位备受攻击的领导人。周四早上拉霍伊前往事故地点慰问。

Mr Rajoy declared three days of mourning for the victims of the crash. The number of those thought to have died when the train derailed rose to 80 on Thursday afternoon, making the crash the most serious in Spain for almost 70 years. 拉霍伊首相宣布,西班牙全国将对本次事故的遇难者举行为期三天的哀悼。周四下午统计,因火车出轨丧生的人数增至 80人,成为西班牙 70年来最严重的火车安全事故。
