澳洲男子车祸苏醒后能讲流利中文 成为中文脱口秀主持人

Ben McMahon, 21, studied Chinese at high school, but found his language skills blossomed following his near-miraculous recovery from a horrific head-on car crash 17 months ago. 21岁的本·麦克马洪高中时曾经学过中文,然而,在他近乎奇迹般地从 17个月前那场可怕的车祸中康复之后,惊奇地发现自己的中文语言能力在不知不觉中已经突飞猛进。

He is now one of the hosts of a Chinese variety talk show due to air across Australia later this year. 他现在是一个中文脱口秀栏目的主持人,该栏目将于今年晚些时候在全澳播出。

" Most of it's hazy, but when I woke up seeing a Chinese nurse, I thought I was in China," he recalled of his ordeal. “大部分记忆都很朦胧,不过,当我醒来看到一名华裔护士的时候,我还以为自己身在中国。”本回忆这场不平凡的经历时说。

澳洲男子车祸苏醒后能讲流利中文 成为中文脱口秀主持人

" It was like a dream. It was surreal - it was like my brain was in one place but my body in another," the Melbourne University student said. " I just started speaking Chinese - they were the first words that left my mouth." “这就像是一个梦,它是超现实主义的就像是我的大脑在一个地方,而我的身体却在另一个地方。”这位墨尔本大学的学生说,“可我就是突然开始说起中文来了,每当我开口时,最先蹦出来的就是中文字。

A dozen episodes of the first season of Oh My God are now being recorded in Melbourne. Its aim is" bridging the relationship" between the two nations ' cultures. Episodes range from how to start a relationship, food exploration, entertainment, and working holidays. 本主持的脱口秀栏目“澳麦 GA”(即 Oh My God)第一季的十多集节目正在墨尔本进行录制。该节目旨在“拉近澳中两国文化间的关系”。节目的情节包括如何展开一段恋情,寻找美食,休闲娱乐以及打工度假。

" I get tired a little bit more easily. After the coma, I had to sleep quite a lot; however, fortunately enough, apart from that and a couple of scars, I am lucky," he said. “我很容易就会觉得累。自从昏迷醒来后,我就需要睡很久。但是我已经很幸运了,除了这些不利因素,还有头上的伤疤,我已经很好了。我真的很幸运。