
在英语学习中,代词 it并非看似的那么简单!它的用法值得我们好好探讨一下,当它在句中作主语时,需要注意以下几点:

一、 it作形式主语时,除了教科书上讲解的可代替不定式和主语从句外,还可代替动名词。例如:

It&# 39; s no use crying over spilt milk. 后悔无用。

It&# 39; s no good taking in much fat and sugar. 摄取大量的糖和脂肪没有好处。

另外,学习代词 it作形式主语时,还要注意学会使用下列常用句式。

It will take us a very long time to improve our reading.

It takes/ took/ will take sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花费某人多长时间

It looks/ looked as if... 看起来好像……

It looks as if it is going to rain.

It seems/ seemed that... 似乎……

It seems that something unusual will happen to them.

It (so) happened that... 碰巧……

It (so) happened that I had no money with me.

It turns/ turned out that... 原来是……

It turns out that he is a famous computer expert.

It is said/ reported/ believed/ hoped/ well known/ suggested that... 据说/据报道/相信/希望/众所周知/建议……

It is said that they have got married.

It is well known that the bird flu is a very serious disease.

It is hoped that every one of us will protect wild animals.

It occurred to sb. that... 某人想起……

It occurred to me that I should have a talk with John.

It was/ will be+一段时间+ before... 过/要过多久才……

It will be a long time before we meet again.

It is/ was/ has been/ had been+一段时间+ since... 自从……已经……

It is two years since he went abroad.

二、非人称代词 it,还可指代 this/ that例如:

Do you know what this is in English? 你知道这个英语怎么说吗?

It&# 39; s a cell phone. 这是手机。

How about that? 那个呢?

It&# 39; s a computer. 那是电脑。


Yesterday we saw a big elephant in the zoo. It is about three meters high. 昨天我在动物园看到一头大象,大约三米高。it指代 elephant

Listen! The baby is crying out loud! It must be very hungry. 听!那婴儿在大声哭!一定是饿极了。it指代 baby


Unfortunately, I lost my favorite watch on my way to school. It cost me more than 200 yuan. 真不幸,上学路上把我最喜欢的手表给弄丢了。它花了我 200多元。it指代上文中的 watch

On my mother&# 39; s birthday I bought a present for her. It was an expensive necklace. 母亲生日那天我给她买了礼物--一条昂贵的项链。it指代上文中的 present

Although we cannot see it, there is air all around us. 尽管我们看不到空气,但我们周围到处都是空气。it指代下文中的 air


Mr. Li has gone abroad for further study. Have you heard of it? 李老师已出国深造。你听说(这件事)了吗?

I have told him many times not to be late for class, but it didn&# 39; t help. 我已经告诉他好多次上课不要迟到了,但就是没有用。


Look! Something is coming. Who can it be? 看!有人来了。会是谁呢?

It may be our director. 应该是我们的主任。

Who is it? 是谁?

It&# 39; s me. 是我。