
THE city's consumer protection watchdog yesterday warned parents to be vigilant over education scams after a series of complaints since summer vacation started. 自暑假开始的一系列投诉后,这个城市的消费者保护监管机构昨日警告家长对教育诈骗要保持警惕。

Some education and training agencies delay classes, change teachers randomly or shut down without notice after collecting tuition from parents, the Shanghai Consumer Rights Protection Commission said. 从父母那收取学费后,一些教育培训机构推迟上课,随意更换教师或毫无预兆的歇业,上海市消费者权益保护委员会表示。

A man surnamed Gu said he paid 18,000 yuan( US $2,903) for six mathematics classes for his daughter ahead of this year's college entrance exam in June. But his daughter found the quality of classes was far below what the agency had promoted. The institution also never provided six classes. 一位姓顾的先生说为了女儿今年 6月份的高考他 6节数学课付了 18000元( 2903美元)。但他的女儿发现上课质量远远低于该机构宣传的。该机构也没提供六节课。


Gu asked for a refund for the six classes, but the institution never responded. 顾先生要求为 6节课退款,但该机构从来没有回应过。

Some agencies exaggerate the impact of their classes, and parents should check their qualifications carefully and let their children attend a trial session before paying, the commission said. 一些机构夸大他们上课的作用,父母应该仔细检查他们的资格,付费之前让孩子参加一次试验课,该委员会表示。

A woman surnamed Yao complained she could not get a refund after paying for English courses even though the training center promised an unconditional refund if students and parents were not satisfied with the courses. 一位姓姚的女士抱怨在支付完英语课程后她无法退款,尽管培训中心承诺如果学生和家长对课程不满意会无条件退款。

Yao asked for a refund after three weeks and was told a 1,700 yuan fee would be charged for processing. 姚女士三周后要求退款,却被告知 1700元学费将支付处理费。

The commission said parents should ask for receipts and keep advertisement leaflets in case a dispute arises. 该委员会说父母应该索要发票和保存广告传单,以防发生争议。