邻座喋喋不休 怎样享受安静旅程

邻座喋喋不休 怎样享受安静旅程

VideoJug gives you some handy hints on what to do stop that irritating person talking to you on a long-haul flight. Make them stop talking with these clever tips, and enjoy your peaceful flight. 长途飞行中,你的邻座喋喋不休不厌其烦地跟你讲话? VideoJug为你提供一些简便的方法,让他闭嘴!使用以下简单的小建议让邻座不再说个不停,享受平静的旅途!

Step 1: Sleep 1.睡觉 Pretend to go to sleep. To make sure they definitely get the message, put on your MP 3 player and your blow-up pillow and your eye mask and your ear plugs. Block Everything Out. 假装睡觉。确保他们确信无疑地了解这一点,戴上 MP 3,充气枕头,眼罩和耳塞。将外界的一切隔离。

Step 2: The flight attendant 2.空姐 Use the flight attendant to your advantage. Call her over to your seat and tell her to ' get this freak away from me '. When returning your food tray, advise her to wash her hands after touching it so she doesn't contract the highly contagious virus you picked up during your recent visit to the Amazon.

利用空姐。把空姐叫到座位旁边,告诉她“把这个怪人带走”。回收食物托盘的时候,建议她接触托盘之后洗手,这样她就不会感染最近游览亚马逊河时接触的很容易传染的细菌。 While you're at it, ask if you can get an upgrade on account of your health problems and the fact you may only have months to live.


Step 3: Props Even when stuck in your seat, you have several props at your disposal:


即使你被限制在座位上不能自由行走,你也有几个备用方案选择: Go very quiet, start rummaging around for the sick bag and make loud retching noises into it.

非常安静地翻箱倒柜地寻找塑料袋,假装大声地向袋子里呕吐。 When you're given your food, make sure you throw it all over the place. Start answering back but only when your mouth is full so it sprays all over them.

当你拿到自己的食物之后,大口咀嚼。如果对方喋喋不休,你可以在满嘴都是食物的时候回应他。这样食物残渣可能会喷他一脸! Pull out the life jacket from under your seat and explain that you're just getting prepared as every plane you've ever been on has crashed.
