

在上下扶梯的时候一定要留神,尤其是当你还戴着眼镜的时候。 Take care when stepping on and off the escalator; take extra care if you wear bifocals.

登上电梯之前,仔细检查自己和自己的孩子的衣物有没有松开或垂挂的可能被卷入扶梯的部分,比如鞋带、 绳子、手套等。 Before stepping on, check your child's clothing( and yours) for loose or dangling parts( like shoelaces, drawstrings, mittens) which can be trapped in moving parts. 检查手镯饰品等容易弄伤自己的装饰物。 Check your arms for bracelets and jewelry that may get caught. 握紧自己的包、相机,以及其他的随身物品。 Hold on securely to your bags, cameras, and other things you may be carrying. 一定要格外注意小朋友的安全。 Pay close attention to small children. 让孩子面向前方站,不要随意移动。 Teach your children to always face forward and stand still on the escalator.

告诉孩子千万不要坐在扶梯台阶上。 Remind children never to sit on the steps. 刚学会走路的小孩子千万记得要站在台阶中间而不是台阶两侧,扶梯的衔接部位很容易夹住软橡胶鞋或者小靴子。

Keep toddlers ' shoes firmly on the step and away from the side. Soft rubber soles on children's shoes and boots can get caught in gaps between escalator wall and steps. 穿露脚趾的拖鞋或凉鞋应该避免乘自动扶梯,赤脚乘扶梯更是大忌。

Do not use floppy sandals and open-toe shoes in escalators. Always wear shoes when taking the escalator. 如果带着小孩子购物的话还是搭乘电梯井比较合适,上下扶梯不适宜平衡手推车,很容易翻倒。 Use the elevator if you are shopping with a child in a walker or stroller. Escalator steps are not designed to accommodate strollers; these will not be balanced and may tip over. 如果别无选择,抱着小孩子,另一只手扶着小推车,再乘扶梯。 If you must carry a stroller on the escalator, remove the child from the stroller. Carry the child and have one hand free to hold onto the handrail and keep your balance. 告诉孩子不要倚靠扶梯扶手,这样会拖慢其速度,还会导致其他人失去平衡站不稳。 Tell your child not to lean on the handrail. This can slow down the escalator and may throw other people off balance. 上扶梯前,确定应急按钮的位置。该按钮一般是在底层,但有时候也在侧壁台阶旁边。 Take a little time to locate the emergency stop buttons on every escalator before you get on. These may be near the bottom, but sometimes alongside, the stairs. 上下扶梯要看准台阶。

Watch your step when you enter or leave the elevator.

对于井式电梯,如果门忽然打不开,不要慌张,按下警报,然后等待营救人员。 If the elevator doors fail to open upon stopping, push the alarm button and wait until help comes. 不要用手强行阻止正在闭合的电梯门,站稳。 Do not stop the closing doors of an elevator with your hands. Stand clear. 发生火灾时避免使用电梯。 Do not use elevators when there is a fire.

生命只有一次,留心方能安全。 Life has No reset Button, Think Safety.