人大官网登美女毕业照 访问量猛增致网站瘫痪

She is the stunning Chinese student whose graduation pictures proved so popular they caused her university website to crash after being uploaded onto the homepage. 这名清新美丽的中国学生的毕业照在上传学校主页后大受欢迎,造成网站页面一度瘫痪。

Wearing her graduation robes and holding her mortarboard hat, the girl, who goes by the name Kang Kang, is seen in a variety of poses on and around the Renmin University School of Arts. 穿着学士服,手拿学士帽,这名叫康康的女孩在人民大学艺术学院附近摆起了各种姿势。

The trouble began on Sunday when, in a change from their usually conservative homepages, the university decided to uploaded Kang Kang's graduation photos instead. But the photos proved so popular that the university website couldn't cope with all the incoming traffic and crashed on Monday evening. 麻烦发生在上周日,学校决定采用康康的毕业照来代替以往保守严肃的校网主页。但是没想到照片实在太受欢迎了,结果周一早上学校网站访问量剧增,甚至一度瘫痪。

人大官网登美女毕业照 访问量猛增致网站瘫痪

To make matters worse it is the height of the admissions period, meaning hundreds of would-be students were unable to get their applications in. 更糟的是,此时正值学校招生高峰期,也就意味着许多即将入学的学生不能顺利申请。

Kang Kang, who has since been dubbed the Goddess of Renmin, has so far declined to comment. 被称为人大女神的康康,到目前为止拒绝对此发表评论。

Fellow students had initially praised the university's decision to feature a graduate on the website rather than lecturers or other members of staff. 学校决定在网站上用毕业生的照片取代演讲或其他教师的图片,学生们对此举表示赞赏。