52岁妈妈替 19岁女儿代考英文被罚 7千欧

A 52 - year-old mother who ' dressed like a teenager ' to sit her daughter's end of term English exam has been arrested in France. 近日,一位 52岁的法国妈妈为自己 19岁的女儿替考英文。她还刻意穿成年轻人的样子,但最终被捕。

The middle-aged woman wore low-waisted skinny jeans and Converse shoes to sit the English language baccalaureate in Paris. 这起事件发生在巴黎。当时,这位中年大妈穿着低腰紧身牛仔裤和匡威帆布鞋,坐在英语高中会考的教室里。

But a sharp-eyed invigilator who had seen the 19 - year-old daughter taking her philosophy paper a week earlier realised the woman was an imposter and called police. 但监考老师可没这容易骗过,尤其是在一周前他才见过这位 19岁的女儿拍毕业照,和眼前这位大妈明显不是同一个人。他于是打电话报了警。

法52岁妈妈替19岁女儿代考英文 被罚7千欧

She was arrested when the exam ended so as not to disturb other students taking the paper this week, a Paris police spokesman said. He added: ' The mother was dressed in the casual clothes a typical teenager would wear. 巴黎警方发言人说,他们等到考试结束才逮捕了这位太太,以防打扰其他学生考试。发言人还补充说:“这个妈妈穿着休闲、明显是年轻人的打扮。

' She was held briefly in custody and freely admitted what she had done. She said she was better at English than her daughter. ' The mother now faced fraud charges and a fine of up to£ 7,000. The daughter faced being banned from taking all public exams for five years, police said. “她被拘留了一段时间,对自己代考的事实供认不讳。还说她自己的英文比女儿好。”她将面临诈骗罪的起诉和最高 7000磅(约 66000人民币)的罚款。而她的女儿,警方表示,则会被禁止在 5年以内参加任何公共考试。

The baccalaureate was introduced by Napoleon in 1808 and is France's main school-leaving exam. Students usually take five subjects which they must pass if they wish to go to university. 法国的会考制度是 1808年拿破仑建立的,是法国主要高中的毕业考。学生如果想进入大学,必须参与五个科目的考试。