

Pack Light轻装上阵 Your backpack may not seem heavy when you put it on at home, but after six blocks in the tropical sun, youll be miserable. Keep the wardrobe downmost budget guesthouses also do laundry for a reasonable price. Tip:也许在家里时你的背包看起来并不重,但在热带的阳光下行走 6个街区,你就会非常痛苦。不要把你整个衣橱的衣服都塞到背包里,大部分宾馆都提供价格合理的洗衣服务。

Use a Guidebook使用旅行指南 Essential for studying up before you leave and can be a lifesaver when you are there, but it should live in your backpack, not in your hand. It is a guide, not a bible, so make sure you do some of your own exploringit’s all part of the adventure. Tip:旅行指南对旅行者的重要性不必多说,不过你也不必把它当成“圣经”,自己去挖掘一些有意思的东西——这也是冒险的一部分。

Protect Your Money保护好你的钱财 Wear a money belt inside your clothes to keep your passport, cards and money supply safe. Before you leave, make sure your ATM cards and credit cards will work in the countries you are visitingit is easier than traveler’s checks or large wads of cash. Tip:为了确保安全,将你的护照、银行卡和现金放在衣服里面的腰包里。在出发前,还应确认你的银行卡和信用卡在你要去的国家是可以用的。

Carry Contact Numbers带上电话本 Make sure you keep two cards in different places with the phone numbers of credit card banks, insurance provider, relatives, your embassy and consulate. Tip:把信用卡银行、保险公司、亲戚、大使馆和领事馆的联络电话写在两张卡片上,并在不同的地方分开保存。

Trust Your Instincts相信自己的直觉 Be receptive to others, but be cautiousnot suspicious. Travelling requires you to get in touch with your instincts so learn to trust them. If you are in a situation where you feel uncomfortable, then get out of it as gracefully as you cansooner is better. Tip:以谨慎,而不是怀疑的心态去接纳别人。旅行要求你与自己的直觉“和谐相处”,所以要试着相信自己的直觉。如果你处在让自己感到不舒服的情景,那就赶紧离开那里,越快越好。