
12.动词+ with

agree with同意,  begin with以……开始, combine with与……相联合, compare with与……相比, coverwith用……覆盖  , deal with对付, do with处理, end up  with以……结束, equipwith以……装备, feed with用……喂养, fight with与……作战, fool with愚弄, furnish with用……装饰, hurry with忙于, meet with遇到,  mix with与……混合在一起, play with玩弄,   providewith以……供给, quarrel with与某人争吵,  reason with与某人评理,  replace with以……替代, settle with与人协商, supply with供给, talk with同……交谈


1) You look well. The air and the sea foods in Sanya must_____ you, I suppose.

2) To______ the global financial crisis, China called on the international community to help developing countries.

3)— Could you possibly tell me what to______ such sort of situation?

It’s no good asking me all the timeAnnaYou11 have to leam to think for yourself

4)______ his sister, Jerry is even more sensitive  to, and more easily troubled by, emotional and relationship problems.

答案: 1) agree with 2) deal with 3) do with 4) Compared



此类短语是高考常考内容,因为该类短语多数不能望文生义,而且一个短语往往有很多不同的含义。当然记忆过程中也有技巧可以遵循,比如 break短语常表示突发性的动作; holdkeep往往表示持续性动作,意为“坚持,保持”; gocome短语常常无被动形式; look短语当然都和“看”有关等等。解题过程中,如果出现了动词相同,副词或介词相异的情况,则应该善于利用介词或副词的意义差别来找解题的突破口,比如, show inshow out就是相对含义。


1. break

break away突然离开,脱身; break down毁掉,制服,压倒,停顿,倒塌,中止,垮掉,分解; break in闯入,插嘴; break into闯入,打断; break off(使)折断,中断,断绝; break out突然暴发,逃脱; break through突破,冲破,克服,挤过; break up使粉碎,弄破,结束,解体解散,中断,终止,使苦恼,分手。


1) He had to pause from time to time to wipe the sweat from his forehead, because the air-conditioning system________.

2) Dont________ when he is telling the story

3)— What’s the matter with Jason? He looks a bit upset.

Didnt you know? When returning from his holiday last night, he found his house_____.

4) They decided to________ the partnership.

答案: 1) broke down 2) break in 3) broken into 4) break up

2. bring

bring about带来; bring down使垮台,击落,降低(物价,温度等); bring forward把……提前,提议; bring in带来,引进,挣得(酬等); bring out阐明,出版,显露出; bring up抚养,培育提出(问题等),呕吐; bring back带回来,使恢复; bring forth使产生,生(孩子);

bring on导致,使发生


1Nearly all educators believe that a challenging situation can often____ the best qualities of a person.


Mrs. Smith rewarded the boy with$ 10 for______ the lost dog.

3)— How do the shops make money if they sell at such low prices?

Manufacturers, it seems, are willing to_______ prices in return for big volume purchases

4Will you________ this matter at the next meeting please?

答案: 1bring out 2bringing back 3bring down 4bring forward