小马驹把泰迪熊当“妈妈” 形影不离依偎撒娇

Newborn foals rely on their mothers to provide everything from food to motherly affection. 新生的小马驹需要依靠妈妈来获取一切,充饥的食物和温暖的母爱。

But after Breeze the Dartmoor Hill pony was orphaned, his cuddles have come from a 4 ft teddy bear, which rescuers have given him as a surrogate mother. One-week-old Breeze was found abandoned on Dartmoor National Park on May 24 when he was just a few hours old. 但是达特穆尔种小马驹布雷兹刚出生就成了孤儿,一位 4英尺(约 1.2米)高的泰迪熊“妈妈”给了它拥抱,这是救护人员给它找的代理“妈妈”。布雷兹现在已经一个星期大了, 524号被救护人员发现的时候,它才出生几个小时,被遗弃在达特穆尔国家公园。

小马驹把泰迪熊当妈妈 形影不离依偎撒娇

He had been wandering without his mother and attempting to suckle on other mares before rescuers found him collapsed from clinical shock and dehydration. Despite a search of the area for the mare that gave birth to Breeze, his mother could not be found. 找不到妈妈的它到处转悠,一直试图去吸其他母马的奶,被发现时已经因缺水休克而倒地。尽管大家搜在当地搜寻布雷兹的亲生妈妈,但却没有找到。

Rescuers nursed Breeze back to health at the Mare and Foal Sanctuary in Devon, and he was given the cuddly toy to snuggle up to in the absence of a mother. 救护人员将布雷兹送到德文郡母幼马庇护中心,并给了它这个毛绒玩具,以此来弥补没有妈妈的缺失感。

Sanctuary executive director Syra Bowden said:‘ Sadly, little Breeze hasnt got his mum around to keep him company. Although his carers here at the sanctuary work around the clock to look after him, it’s not quite the same. 中心的执行负责人鲍登说:“很遗憾,小布雷兹没有妈妈陪伴它左右。尽管这里的工作人员 24小时地照顾它,但这毕竟不一样。

' As a result, we always give our orphaned foals a giant cuddly toy as a companion. They’re just like human babies in the way it provides them with comfort.’ “所以,我们会给被遗弃的小马驹毛绒玩具当来陪伴它们。它们就像人类婴儿一样需要安抚慰藉。

When Breeze arrived at the equine centre their vet spent three hours by his side and put him on a saline drip, fitted him with a catheter and gave him colostrum drips, milk and medication. 当布雷兹到达救助中心时,兽医每天花 3个小时陪在它身边,给它吊盐水,给它插导尿管,并且喂它牛初乳、牛奶还有药物。

He’s not out of the woods yet, though. Well keep a very close eye on him and care for him around the clock to ensure we do everything possible to help him pull through. “布雷兹现在还没完全脱离危险期,我们会密切关注,也会全天候的细心照料它,我们会尽一切努力帮它恢复健康。

We all have our fingers crossed that Breeze will continue to grow strong’“我们都在为它祈祷,希望它能早日强壮起来!