

Talk about teamwork. 谈论团队合作。

In the weeks surrounding Angelina Jolie's preventive double mastectomy and subsequent reconstructive surgery, her fiancé, Brad Pitt, served as her No. 1 support. 在这周围绕着安吉丽娜朱莉的预防性双乳腺切除和随后的重建手术,她的未婚夫布拉德皮特成为了她的头号支持者。

At the bustling home they share with their six kids in the Los Feliz neighborhood of Los Angeles," Brad did everything he could to keep things secret and protect Angie," a family insider tells PEOPLE in this week's cover story. 在洛杉矶的卢斯费利斯附近的热闹的家里他们与六个孩子分享,”布拉德尽一切所能让事情保密并保护安吉,”这个家庭的内幕人士在本周的封面故事告诉《人物》。

Using early morning appointments and rental cars to avoid discovery," They really wanted Angie to be able to recover and rest before they shared the story," says the insider. 利用清晨的预约和出租车来避免被发现,“他们真心希望安琪能够恢复并在他们分享此事之前能休息,”内幕人士说。

The actress's medical ordeal only deepened the bond between Jolie, 37, and Pitt, 49, a couple for seven years. Those close to them say the pair's teamwork is always on display, in public and private. 这位女演员的医疗磨难只是加深了 37岁的朱莉和 49岁的皮特之间的联系,一对七年的夫妻。那些与他们亲近的人说两人的协作当众和私下总是模范。

" They are very loving and inspiring to each other, exchanging ideas," says Jeremy Kleiner, a longtime exec at Pitt's Plan B production company and producer on his upcoming movie World War Z. “他们非常爱对方,鼓舞对方,交换想法,” Jeremy Kleiner说,皮特 B计划制作公司的长期经理和他即将上映的新片《末日之战》的制片人。

On-set," He would light up when his family showed up. It's just a very cool thing to see." 开始,“当他的家人出现时他会变得很高兴。这只是可以看到的一件很酷的东西。

For much more on this story, including Angelina's next surgery and how Brad's family has supported her, pick up this week's issue of PEOPLE对于这件事更多的关注,包括安吉丽娜的下一场手术和布拉德的家庭如何支持她,拿起本周一期的《人物》杂志。