
Can obese cyclists sign up for the city’s new bike-share program? Fat chance! 肥胖骑车者们能报名参加纽约新的自行车共享方案吗?没戏!

It isprohibitedfor any rider who weighs more than 260 pounds to sign up for the soon-to-launch initiativeprompting backlash from riders who say the fat-shaming rule is enough to make them fly off the handle. 在即将发布的新规定中,体重超过 260磅的人将被禁止骑行自行车。这一规定引发了骑车者们的强烈反对,他们表示这种歧视胖子们的规定让他们愤怒。

Everyone who signs up for the program has to agree to a contract, which states usersmust not exceed maximum weight limit( 260 pounds)” because the bikes cant hold that much heft. 所有参与这一方案的骑车者必须同意一项条款,那就是骑车者们的体重最多不得超过 260磅,因为自行车没法承受太多重量。


Would-be riders called the rule unfair, saying the 40 - pound cruisers are plenty sturdy. 一些打算参加的人们表示这规定不公平,他们认为 40磅的车是很坚固的。

That’s bogus. 260 pounds isnt going to break the bike,” said Juleissy Lantigua, 19. To me, that’s discrimination. And I’m not easily offended!” “这不可能! 260磅的重量根本不会损坏自行车。19岁的 Juleissy Lantigua表示,“对我来说,这项规定就是歧视,我可不会被轻易冒犯。

Others claimed the rule makes no senseespecially at the height of the city’s obesity problem. 其他人则表示这项规定毫无意义,尤其是这座城市的肥胖问题还如此严重。

If you’re 260 pounds or 300 pounds and want to ride a bike, you should be allowed to. You’re making a choice to live healthier and to lose weight,” said Jhoskaira Ferman, a 20 - year-old student from Pelham Bay, Bronx. “如果你体重 260磅或 300磅,然后想骑自行车,你还得申请批准。你得在健康生活和减肥之间做个选择。”来自布朗克斯区佩勒姆湾的 20岁学生 Jhoskaira Ferman说道。

Several bike-shop owners agreed that the weight limit was bogus. 一些自行车店主也同意这项体重限制规定是假的。

Bike-share users who make the cutoff weight can sign up for $95 per year or $25 per week. The program will begin this month. 这些在体重范围内的人可每年缴纳 95美元,或每周 25美元报名参加自行车共享活动。该项计划将于 5月实施。

But Department of Transportation policy director Jon Orcutt said the city wont strictly enforce the weight limit. 但是交通局政策主管 Jon Orcutt表示纽约并不会严格强制实施体重限制规定。

I think people will be self-selecting, practical and safe,” he said. “我想人们会自行选择实用而安全的形式。”他说道。

He added the provision was inked for legal reasons at the manufacturer’s recommendation. 他补充说该项规定是在自行车制造商的建议下,出于法律方面的考虑而加上的。

Bike-share programs run by the same contractorthe Portland, Ore. - based Alta Bicycle Sharelaunched in Boston with the same weight restriction. London’s program also has the restriction. 自行车共享项目由位于俄勒冈州波特兰的阿尔塔自行车共享公司承包,该公司在波士顿和伦敦的项目也有体重限制规定。

The contract also says that anyone using bike share may unknowingly have their image used inpromotional, advertising[ and] publicitymaterials for Alta. 该合约同时表示,阿尔塔可能在不被告知的情况下使用参加自行车共享的人的照片形象用于广告和推广。