新西兰禁止给孩子取怪名“法官”一名被拒 62

New Zealand officials have released a list of baby names put forward by parents that were rejected because they were too bizarre or offensive, including" Lucifer" and" Mafia No Fear". 新西兰官员公布了一份父母给宝宝们取的或怪异或唐突的名字名单,其中包括“撒旦”“黑手党无惧”等。

The list of 77 names reveals one child was set to be called" Anal" before the Department of Internal Affairs vetoed the proposal, while another narrowly avoided being dubbed"." or full stop. 这份包含 77个名字的名单显示,如果不是内政部否决这些名字,有个孩子可能被命名为“肛门”,另一个孩子干脆被命名为“句点”。

Other names on the list included" 4 Real"," V 8", and" Queen Victoria". 其他的名字还包括“ 4 Real”“ V 8”“维多利亚女王”。


In some cases, parents appeared to have lost any inspiration for coming up with a moniker for their offspring, wanting to call the latest addition to the family simply" 2 nd"," 3 rd" or" 5 th". 在有些案例中,父母似乎对给孩子们取名没什么兴趣,想直接称呼家庭新成员“第二”“第三”或“第五”。

The department's rules forbid any name that might imply a child holds an official title or rank, so" King"," Duke" and" Princess" were among those that had been turned down most since 2001. 内政部规定的宝宝命名规范中禁止给宝宝命名中含有官方头衔或地位暗示,所以从 2001年起“国王”“公爵”“公主”等取名均被拒绝。

" Justice" was the most popular, having been rejected 62 times, although" Justus" and" Juztice" also failed to gain official approval. “法官”是最受欢迎的奇异名字,共被拒绝 52次,即使换个拼法,“ Justus”“ Juztice”也无法获得通过。

In 2008, New Zealand's family court ordered that a nine-year-old girl whose parents had called her" Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii" should have her name changed because it was embarrassing and" makes a fool of the child". 2008年,新西兰一家家庭法院判定一位 9岁女孩的父母必须给孩子改名,因为他们取的名字“跳夏威夷呼啦圈的塔鲁拉”太尴尬,是对孩子的恶搞。

At the time, judge Rob Murfitt criticised parents who gave their children bizarre names, citing examples such as" Number 16 Bus Shelter"," Midnight Chardonnay" and twins called" Benson" and" Hedges". 当时法官批评父母们给孩子取的名字太怪异,他当时举出的例子包括“第十六号公车亭”“午夜白葡萄酒”,以及一对双胞胎被叫做“ Benson”和“ Hedges”(注: Benson& Hedges是英国香烟品牌)。