科比跟腱撕裂或致赛季报销 小飞侠含泪确认伤势

Los Angeles Lakers star Kobe Bryant left Friday night's game with a leg injury that could be a ruptured Achilles tendon. Bryant will have an MRI on Saturday to determine the exact nature of the injury.

Bryant reacted with disappointement on social media. On his Facebook page he posted a lengthy update:

" This is such BS! All the training and sacrifice just flew out the window with one step that I've done millions of times! The frustration is unbearable. The anger is rage. Why the hell did this happen?!? Makes no damn sense. Now I'm supposed to come back from this and be the same player Or better at 35?!? How in the world am I supposed to do that??

" I have NO CLUE. Do I have the consistent will to overcome this thing? Maybe I should break out the rocking chair and reminisce on the career that was. Maybe this is how my book ends. Maybe Father Time has defeated me."

科比跟腱撕裂或致赛季报销 小飞侠含泪确认伤势

Later he added that called the injury the first step in a new challenge. " One day, the beginning of a new career journey will commence. Today is NOT that day," he wrote. The post received more than 136,000 likes.

If the injury turns out to be a ruptured Achilles, it could have long-term effects for Bryant and the Lakers. That injury could take up to a year to heal, according to Will Carroll, sports injuries lead writer for Bleacher Report. Bryant has previously said that next season could be his last in the NBA. This is the 16 th season in the league for the 34 - year-old.

According to a tweet from the Lakers, Bryant could tell what the injury was before seeing a doctor. " I was just hoping it wasn't what I thought it was," Bryant said, according to the tweet.

The Lakers have two games left in the regular season, both at home. They face the San Antonio Spurs on Sunday and the Houston Rockets on Wednesday.

The team, after beating the Golden State Warriors 118-116 last night, is one game ahead of the Utah Jazz for the final spot in the NBA's Western Conference playoffs.

【新闻快讯】洛杉矶湖人正在为季后赛席位激战时,球队却在 12日遭受当头棒喝。在对阵金州勇士的比赛中,科比-布莱恩特在比赛即将结束时脚跟腱受伤,不得不退出比赛。

赛后,湖人官方消息称,科比有可能是跟腱撕裂,明天接受核磁共振检查确认伤情。科比状态上乘,本场比赛得到 34分,湖人最终以 118116险胜勇士,但这一好消息仍然让湖人上下愁眉不展。如果球队的猜测成为事实,科比将不得不提前结束本赛季。没有科比,即使湖人打进季后赛,通过首轮的几率也微乎其微。

而一向坚强的飞侠在听到这样的检查消息时,也忍不住落泪。从科比自己的反应来看,他也是认定跟腱撕裂,赛后记者曾询问飞侠,“你确信那是跟腱撕裂么?” 而科比的回到是“似的,那个动作我做了很多次,但它就那么发生了,感觉突然裂开了,就是种怪事吧。” 从科比两眼泛出的泪光来看,对于这样的结果,坚强的飞侠也有些难以接受。而赛后科比更衣柜前的双拐,更是对这次受伤的严重性下了定论。

日前 NBA常规赛还有两场比赛,目前湖人领先爵士一个胜场,湖人下一场要面对马刺,西区季后赛最后资格的争夺仍然存在悬念。万一科比确诊是跟腱撕裂需要缺席比赛,那么他们能否打进季后赛就会变得扑朔迷离。