伊朗科学家称发明“时光机”可预测未来 8年事件

An Iranian businessman claims to have mastered time with a machine that allows users to fast forward up to eight years into the future. 伊朗一名实业家宣称已经可以用机器操控时间,用户通过这个“时光机” 能够飞跃到八年后的未来。

Ali Razeghi, a Tehran scientist has registered" The Aryayek Time Traveling Machine" with the state-run Centre for Strategic Inventions. 这位来自德黑兰的科学家阿里·拉齐格,已经在国家战略发明中心注册“ Aryayek时间旅行机”的专利。

The device can predict the future in a print out after taking readings from the touch of a user, he told the Fars state newsagency. 他对伊朗国家通讯社表示,这个装置可以通过接触用户读取信息,然后预测未来并显示出来。


Razaeghi, 27, said the device worked by a set of complex algorithims to" predict five to eight years of the future life of any individual, with 98 percent accuracy". 现年 27岁的拉齐格说,这个装置通过一系列的复杂演算,“可以预测任一用户未来 58年的情况,准确率达 98%

As the managing director of Iran's Centre for Strategic Inventions, Razeghi is a serial inventor with 179 other inventions listed under his own name. " I have been working on this project for the last 10 years," he said. 作为伊朗战略发明中心的常务董事,拉齐格名下还有另外 179项发明。“过去十年,我一直在钻研发明这个时间机器,”他说。

" My invention easily fits into the size of a personal computer case and can predict details of the next 5-8 years of the life of its users. It will not take you into the future, it will bring the future to you."“我的发明可以轻松地放进个人电脑包里,预测使用者未来 58年的生活细节。它不会将你带到未来,但却可以将未来带回到你面前。

Razeghi says Iran's government can predict the possibility of a military confrontation with a foreign country, and forecast the fluctuation in the value of foreign currencies and oil prices by using his new invention. 拉齐格说,通过使用他的新发明,伊朗政府可以预测与外国发生军事对峙的可能性,也可以预测外汇价值和石油价格波动。

" Naturally a government that can see five years into the future would be able to prepare itself for challenges that might destabilise it," he said. " As such we expect to market this invention among states as well as individuals once we reach a mass production stage."“一个政府能预见未来 5年的情况,就可以提前对可能威胁其统治的挑战做好准备。”他说,“我们预计,到可以大规模生产阶段,这种产品将被许多国家以及个人使用。

Razeghi said his latest project has been criticised by friends and relatives for" trying to play God" with ordinary lives and history. " This project is not against our religious values at all. The Americans are trying to make this invention by spending millions of dollars on it where I have already achieved it by a fraction of the cost," he said. " 拉齐格还说,他的最新发明被亲朋好友批为“欲扮演上帝”,主宰生命和历史。但他表示,“这种装置并不违反我们的宗教价值,美国人投入数百万美元欲开发类似机器,而我只花了很少的钱就做到了。

" The reason that we are not launching our prototype at this stage is that the Chinese will steal the idea and produce it in millions overnight." He continued. 至于“时间机器”的样机尚未发布的原因,拉齐格解释说,他担心“发布之后会被中国人窃取技术,然后在一夜之间造出数百万个时间机器"。