冰岛女总理将携夫人访华 引发中国网友热议

Icelandic Prime Minister Johanna Sigurdardottir will meet with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang this month in Beijing as the countries sign a free trade agreement, her office said Saturday. 冰岛总理办公室周六发表声明说,冰岛总理约翰娜·西于尔扎多蒂本月将在北京会见中国总理李克强,共同签署一项自由贸易协议。

" The prime minister of Iceland, Johanna Sigurdardottir, and her wife, Jonina Leosdottir, will be on an official visit to China on April 15-18," it said in a statement. 官方声明表示,“冰岛总理约翰娜·西于尔扎多蒂将于 415-18日携夫人约尼娜·莱兹多蒂正式访问中国。

She will also meet with former premier Wen Jiabao and President Xi Jinping, on a visit that will include the signing of a trade deal between Reykjavik and Beijing after six years of negotiations. 同时她将会见中国国家主席习近平和前总理温家宝,这次出访任务包括签署两国首府雷克雅未克与北京之间的贸易约定,此前双方就此约定协商长达六年之久。

冰岛女总理将携夫人访华 引发中国网友热议

The agreement will be signed by the Icelandic foreign affairs minister and the Chinese commerce minister. 这项协议将由冰岛外交大臣和中国商务部部长共同签署。

" The prime minister and premier Wen Jiabao agreed during his visit to Iceland in 2012 to put increased effort into finalising the agreement, so as to have it finalised within a year," Sigurdardottir's office said. 西于尔扎多蒂的总理办公室称,“ 2012年,时任总理的温家宝在出访冰岛时表示,愿意付出更多努力,让两国在一年之内完成协商签署协议。

Wen Jiabao's trip to Iceland in April last year was the first official visit by a Chinese premier to the North Atlantic island in 41 years, and saw the countries enter a deal on cooperation in the oil-rich Arctic region. 去年 4月温总理出访冰岛是 41年来中国总理对北大西洋岛国的首次正式访问,这次访问还见证了两国就石油储量丰富的北极地区合作达成共识。

China's interest in Iceland came to the fore in 2011 when a Chinese property tycoon tried to buy a large swathe of land in the north of the country for a tourism project. 中国最早在 2011年开始对冰岛产生兴趣,当时,一名中国地产大亨试图在冰岛北部地区买下一大片地,开发旅游项目。

Some observers suggested that property magnate Huang Nubo's purchase would help China win a foothold in the Arctic amid general concern over Chinese investment in Europe. 一些观察者认为,这位地产商黄怒波的购买行为会帮助中国赢得北极圈内的一席之地,中国在欧洲的投资引起了广泛关注。

The deal was eventually blocked by the Icelandic government, after officials said China had mooted using the island as a trans-Arctic shipping port. 官方称中国是要将冰岛作为跨北极航运港口,这项交易最后被冰岛政府阻止。

Retreating ice has opened up the potential for a shorter cargo shipping route with Asia, which would cut the sea voyage between Shanghai and northern Europe by some 6,400 kilometres( 4,000 miles). 北极海冰消融,为开放亚欧短程货运航线的提供了可能,这一航线可以使上海与北欧间的海运路程减少 4000英里(约合 6400公里)。



冰岛同性婚姻法出台:冰岛在 1996年促成同性恋民事伴侣合法化,拥有与异性结合婚姻相同的权益,但是同性恋者的这项关系一直不被视为正式婚姻。这种有实无名的同性关系到 2010年有了正名的机会。 2010627日,冰岛颁布相关法律,承认同性恋合法。

冰岛女总理与女友完婚:冰岛女总理西于尔扎多蒂于 20092月就任冰岛总理。此前她一直和女友莱奥斯多提尔同居,两人组成“民事结合”。在法律允许同性恋结婚的同一天,冰岛女总理约翰娜·西于尔扎多蒂和相恋多年的同性伴侣完婚,成为冰岛历史上第一对依法结婚的同性伴侣。