
gaze, glare& stare

gaze饶有兴趣地凝视,褒义词。 glare怒目而视。 stare有时表不礼貌地盯着。


Susan was just_____ at those pigeons at the time, so I dont think she saw me.

答案: staring

gift& present

giftpresent更正式,可指价值较小的礼物,也可指价值相当大的礼物;而 present则通常指花费不大的礼物。


Until I failed in English a third time, I had no doubt about my______ for foreign languages.

答案: gift

gone, lost& missing





After an absence of ten daysthe______ boy returned hometired but sound.

答案: missing

We_______ the last bus and didnt have any money for taxi, so we had to walk home.

答案: missed

holiday, vacation& leave

法定“假日”都用 holiday大学的假期,都用 vacation某种理由而获准的休假用 leave,另外 leave还通常指军队、政府、机关等的休假。


sick leave病假 on leave休假 leave of absence请假

ask for leave请假 take four monthsleave4个月的假


He ask for______ of absence to visit his mother in hospital.

答案: leave

hope& wish

hope不能接不定式作补语,后面不能用虚拟语气形式, hope在下列口语说法中不能用 wish代替: I hope, I hope so, I hope not等。


I______ youd do a bit less talking and some more work. Thus things will become better.

答案: wish

how long, how often& how soon

1. how long“多久”,常与完成时连用,答语为一段时间。

2. how often“多久一次”常与一般时连用,答语为与频率有关的词。

3. how soon“多久就”与将来时连用答语为 in+一段时间。


—______ will you send the book to me?

It will be two days before you receive my book.

答案: How soon

hurt, injure& wound

hurt指身体上的或精神感情上的受伤,可轻可重,常带有较强的疼痛感。意外伤用 injure,创伤用 wound


—— Are you still mad at her?

—— Not really, but I cant deny that her remarks______ me.

答案: hurt

ill& sick

作定语时通常用 sick;作表语两可。如: a sick man病人 be ill[ sick]生病

表示“病人”,通常用 the sick(相当于名词,具有复数意义),而不用 the ill


sick pay病假津贴 sick leave病假

speak ill of说某人的坏话 think ill of认为……不好


When studying abroad I was often______ for my home.

答案: sick

include& contain

include意为“包括在内”; contain意为“里面含有”表示“包含”。


The statement said five people died at the scene in this accident, while 15 others, their teacher______ were confirmed dead by the afternoon

答案: included