

Following the death of a close friend in 2009, Australian man Sebastian Terry, then 27, stopped in his tracks and started to reflect on his life. After asking himself the seemingly simple question ofAm I happy”, he decided to make a change in his life and that marked the beginning of his list --100 Things to Do Before You Die. 2009年,时年 27岁的澳大利亚小伙塞巴斯蒂安 -特里的一位密友过世,这让他突然停下脚步,开始反思自己的生活。他问了自己一个看似简单的问题 - -“我快乐吗”,随后便决定改变自己的生活,于是一张“此生必做 100件事”清单诞生了。

From marrying a stranger to crashing a red carpet, more than three years and 23 countries later, Sebastian has struck off more than half of theto-doson his list. During the trip, he has raised AUD $60,000 for a children’s charity三年多以来,塞巴斯蒂安游历了 23个国家,完成了清单上的大部分内容,包括和一个陌生人结婚、私自闯入一场盛宴。在旅行途中,他为一个儿童慈善机构筹集了 6万澳元的善款。

The list includes nerve-wrecking experiences like getting shot( with the help of a bulletproof vest, of course), skydiving naked, chasing a tornado, swimming with a whale shark in Mexico and enduring a tandem bike ride from Vancouver to Las Vegas 这张清单上列举的一些任务相当考验勇气,比如挨枪子儿(当然穿有防弹背心)、裸体跳伞、追逐飓风、在墨西哥与鲸鲨共舞,以及从温哥华骑双人自行车到拉斯维加斯等。

Number 60 on his list - - throw a dart at a map and visit the country it lands on - - took him to the capital of Mongolia, Ulan Bator, where he sampled the local culture and feasted on the Mongolian delicacy清单上的第 60项是“往地图上掷飞镖,掷中哪个国家就去哪儿”,结果飞镖把他带到了蒙古首都乌兰巴托。他在此体验了当地文化,品尝了蒙古美食。

Many found inspiration from Sebastian’s stories - - they started their own list of 100 things and shared them on the Internet很多人从塞巴斯蒂安的故事中受到启发,开始制作自己的“ 100件事”清单,并在网上分享。

Sebastian believes that being able to influence people in a positive way is the most purposeful thing he has been able to do. I couldn't believe it when I started getting emails from people all over the world not only asking for advice, but also thanking me for encouraging them to chase their goals,” he said 塞巴斯蒂安认为,能够积极地影响他人是他能做的最有意义的事。他说:“当我开始收到来自世界各地的电子邮件时,我简直不敢相信。人们不止是咨询建议,还会感谢我鼓励他们追逐梦想。