

Many of us do, including a US shopkeeper who just scooped $338 millionin the Powerball lotterythe fourth largest prize in the game's history. 

我们大多数人都这么认为,包括刚在“威力球”彩票赢了 3.38亿美元——该彩票史上的第四大奖的一名美国店主。

Before the last Powerball jackpot in the United States, tickets were beingsnapped up at a rate of around 130,000 a minute.

在美国威力球最新的头奖开奖前,彩票以一分钟 13万张的速度被抢购一空。

But before you place all your hopes and dreams on another ticket, here’s something you should know.


All the evidence suggests a big payout wont make that much of a differencein the end.


Winning the lottery isn't a ticket to true happiness, however enticing itmight be to imagine never working again and being able to afford anything youwant. 


One study famously foundthat people who had big wins on the lottery ended up no happier than those whohad bought tickets but didn't win.


It seems that as long as you can afford to avoid the basic miseries of life, having loads of spare cash doesn't make you very much happier than having verylittle.


One way of accounting for this is to assume that lottery winners get used totheir new level of wealth, and simply adjust back to a baseline level ofhappinesssomething called thehedonic treadmill”. 


Another explanation is that our happiness depends on how we feel relative toour peers. 


If you win the lottery you may feel richer than your neighbours, and thinkthat moving to a mansion in a new neighbourhood would make you happy, but thenyou look out of the window and realise that all your new friends live in biggermansions.


Both of these phenomena undoubtedly play a role, but the deeper mystery iswhy we're so bad at knowing what will give us true satisfaction in the firstplace.


You might think we should be able to predict this, even if it isn'tstraightforward.


Lottery winners could take account of hedonic treadmill and socialcomparison effects when they spend their money.


So, why don't they, in short, spend their winnings in ways that buyhappiness?


Picking up points


Part of the problem is that happiness isn't a quality like height, weight orincome that can be easily measured and given a number( whatever psychologiststry and pretend).


Happiness is a complex, nebulous state that is fed by transient simplepleasures, as well as the more sustained rewards of activities that only makesense from a perspective of years or decades.


So, perhaps it isn't surprising that we sometimes have trouble acting in away that will bring us the most happiness.


Imperfect memories and imaginations mean that our moment-to-moment choicesdon't always reflect our long-term interests.


It even seems like the very act of trying to measuring it can distract usfrom what might make us most happy.


An important studyby Christopher Hsee of the Chicago School of Business and colleagues showed howthis could happen.


Hsee’s study was based around a simple choice: participants were offered theoption of working at a 6 - minute task for a gallon of vanilla ice cream reward, or a 7 - minute task for a gallon of pistachio ice cream.

奚恺元的实验围绕着一个简单的选择:参与者可选择做 6分钟的工作换取一加仑的香草冰淇淋为报酬,或是做 7分钟的工作换取一加仑的开心果冰淇淋。

Under normal conditions, less than 30% of people chose the 7 - minute task, mainly because they liked pistachio ice cream more than vanilla.

正常的情况下,少过 30%的人只因为喜欢开心果冰淇淋甚于香草而选择 7分钟的工作。

For happiness scholars, this isn't hard to interpretthose who preferredpistachio ice cream had enough motivation to choose the longer task.


But the experiment had a vital extra comparison.


Another group of participants were offered the same choice, but with anintervening points system: the choice was between working for 6 minutes to earn 60 points, or 7 minutes to earn 100 points. 

另一组参与者也被给予同样的选择,但隔了一个分数制度:选择工作 6分钟得 60分,或工作 7分钟得 100分。

With 50-99 points, participants were told they could receive a gallon ofvanilla ice cream.

参与者被告知 5099分能够得到一加仑的香草冰淇淋。

For 100 points they could receive a gallon of pistachio ice cream.


Although the actions and the effects are the same, introducing the pointssystem dramatically affected the choices people made.


Now, the majority chose the longer task and earn the 100 points, which theycould spend on the pistachio rewardeven though the same proportion( about 70%) still said they preferred vanilla.

现在,大部分的人选择更长的工作以得到 100分,换得开心果冰淇淋奖赏——即使相同比例的人(约 70%)仍直言他们比较喜欢香草。

Based on this, and otherexperiments[ 5], Hsee concluded that participants are maximising theirpoints at the expense of maximising their happiness.

根据这个结果及其它实验[ 5],奚恺元得出的结论是参与者牺牲了快乐以追求最高分数。

The points are just a mediumsomething that allows us to get the thingthat will create enjoyment.


But because the points are so easy to measure and compare100 is obviouslymuch more than 60this overshadows our knowledge of what kind of ice cream weenjoy most.

可是因为分数十分容易衡量及比较—— 100明显地多过 60——遮盖了我们最喜欢的冰淇淋种类的认知。

So next time you are buying a lottery ticket because of the amount it ispaying out, or choosing wine by looking at the price, or comparing jobs bylooking at the salaries, you might do well to remember to think hard about howmuch the bet, wine, or job will really promote your happiness, rather thansimply relying on the numbers to do the comparison.


Money doesn't buy you happiness, and part of the reason for that might bethat money itself distracts us from what we really enjoy.
