
custom& habit

habit指个人“习惯”。 custom指民族或社会的礼节、风俗和习惯。


Stressful environments lead to unhealthy behavior such as poor eating______, which in turn increases the risk of heart disease.

答案: habits

damage& destroy

damage指部分性的损坏。 destroy指彻底的毁掉或毁灭,无法或很难修复。


In modern civilization, mankind is______ the planet, all in the name of progress.

答案: destroying

demand& require

demand后可接不定式(但不接动名词),但 require接动名词或不定式的被动形式意为“需要被……”。

demand不接不定式的复合结构( demand of后可接不定式的复合结构),但 require后可接不定式的复合结构。


The state-run company is______ to make its accounts as transparent_________ as possible for its staff to monitor the use of money.

答案: required

die away, die down, die off& die out

die away指声音、风、光线等“渐息”、“渐弱”。如:

The sound of the car died away in the distance. 汽车的声音消失在远处。

die down意为“(慢慢)熄灭”、“平静下来”。如:

The fire died down. 火慢慢熄了。

His anger has died down a bit. 他的怒气已消了一点。

die off意为“一个一个地死去”(= die one by one)。如:

As he grew older, his relatives all died off. 随着他年龄的增长,他的亲人都一个一个地死去了。

die out指家族、种族、习俗、观念等“灭绝”、“绝迹”。如:

Many old customs are dying out. 许多旧习俗正在消失。


They had to watch their young family______ through lack of food.

答案: die off

No one have come up with a convincing explanation of why dinosaur______.

答案: die out

discover, find& find out

表第一次发现以前没有人知道的东西、地方、事实等用 discover findlook for的结果词,指有目的的寻找然后找到。 find out查明,弄清楚。


Mistakes dont just happen; they occur for a reason. ______ the reason, and then making the mistake becomes worthwhile.

答案: Find out

discover& invent

discover主要表示“发现”原来已经存在的东西, invent主要表示“发明”原来不存在的东西。【一言辨异】 Franklin discovered electricity, but Edison invented the electric light bulb. 弗兰克林发现了电,而爱迪生发明了电灯泡。


China______ gunpowder thousands of years ago.

答案: invented

drop& fall

fall表无意识自然坠落,不及物; drop指有意“投下”(及物)。


The incomes of skilled workers went up. Meanwhile, unskilled workers saw their earnings______.

答案: fall

fairly, quite, rather, very& pretty


(not)fairlyquiterather/ prettyvery

只有 rather可以与比较级以及副词 too(太)连用,其他不可。


In northern countries, a north wind is_______ colder than a south wind.

答案: rather

divide& separate

divide通常指把整体分为若干部分,其后常接介词 into;而 separate通常指把原来连在一起或靠近的东西分隔开来,其后常接介词 from


There were so many people shopping in the mall that we got______ soon after we entered it.

答案: separated

every& each

every(每个)是考虑总体中的所有成员(与 all很接近), each(每个)是逐个逐个地考虑总体(具有个别性)。【小例子】老师给每个( each)学生一一发苹果,发完之后,一看每个( every)学生都有苹果了。

each2(指两者或两者以上的“每个”), every3(指三者或三者以上“每个”),因此指两者时只能用 each如: There are trees on each side of the road. 路两边都有树。

each后接 of短语 every不能。


On______ of the street were beautiful flowers, which made the city look wonderful indeed.

答案: each

fit& suit

尺寸、大小、形状等方面的适合或称职用 fit

款式或花色等方面的适合 suit,也指符合某人心愿。


Is this your second car?

Yes.Blue is always my colour.It is a little wider but still______ easily into the garage

答案: fits

forget& leave

有表示地点的副词或短语就用 leave而不用 forget


We were in such an anxious rush at that time that we______ the airline tickets.

答案: forgot