
broad& wide

broad侧重指表面或幅面的宽广, wide则强调从一边到另一边的距离。

broad通常用来形容人的脸、肩、背、胸以及植物,如: broad shoulder

wide形容人的口、眼睛等之大,如: wide eyes

【温馨提示】用于引申义,表示“广泛的”,通常用 wide如: wide reading广泛的阅读


This restaurant has become popular for its______ range of foods that suit all tastes and pockets.

答案: wide

cause& reason

表示造成某一事实或现象的直接原因或起因,一般要用 cause(后常接 of),不用 reason如: the cause of traffic事故的起因


( 1) cause是不可数名词,而 reason可用作可数或不可数名词,因此当需要用复数或受 a, every, many等修饰时,通常要用 reason

( 2) reason之后可接 why引导的定语从句,而 cause不能。


It is necessary to research into the______ of cancer.

答案: cause

certain& sure

只能用 certain而不能用 sure的情形:

( 1)当句中用了形式主语或形式宾语 it时:

I dont think it wise to cheat in the exam. 我认为考试作弊不明智。

( 2)当表示“某一”或“某些”时:

A______ Jim is waiting for you. 有个叫吉姆的正在等你。


It is certain that something have gone wrong with the machine.

答案: certain

chance& opportunity

表可能性只用 chance


误: There is an opportunity that he will pass the driving test.

正: There is a chance that he will pass the driving test.


______ are that they would have replied," Because it's fun."

答案: Chances

  collect& gather

  gather通常只表示把分散的人或物集拢在一起,意为“集合,采集”而 collect则往往指有计划、有条理地为了某一目的而进行的较为精心的搜集,例如集邮,募捐或收票(税)等。

【比比看】 gather books把书聚集在一起↔ collect books收集藏书

gather money攒钱↔ collect money筹募资金

gather stamps把邮票集中在一起↔ collect stamps集邮

gather thoughts集中思想↔ collect thoughts组织思想


All of you________ at the school gate! Well soon start

答案: gather

complete& finish

finish后接动名词,可用作不及物动词,其形容词形式为 finished“完成的,完美的,精巧的”。



Whenever my brother______ writing his homework, he will take me out to play basketball.

答案: finishes

country, nation& state

country侧重指国土或疆域; nation侧重国民或民族;而 state则侧重指政权或国家机器。【巧学妙记】地理老师用 country;人口老师用 nation;政治老师用 state


The whole______ was deep sorrow at this news.

答案: nation

cure& treat

cure强调结果意为“治愈”;而 treat强调过程意为“治疗”。

cure sb. of+疾病

treat sb. for+疾病


Many medical scientists are racing against time to find a______ for H 1 N 1 as soon as possible.

答案: cure