矮种萌马再度归来 太空步广告火速蹿红

With further cuts expected in the imminent budget as the government's austerity programme rolls on, Britain is a nation in need of something to bring a smile to its face. 英国的紧缩政策还在继续,在不久的将来还会削减一部分政府预算,在这样的环境下,英国人需要一些能让他们会心一笑的东西。

And it seems a Shetland pony moon-walking to the strains of a catchy ' 80 s pop tune could be just the thing. 看来设得兰矮种马随着朗朗上口的八十年代流行歌曲走太空步的视频正是大家需要的。


The advert for mobile internet firm 3, which sees a pony tapping its hooves to Everywhere by Fleetwood Mac, has been lauded as ' the best thing ever ' by fans on Twitter. 英国电信公司 3拍摄的广告中,小马伴随着 Fleetwood Mac合唱团的歌曲《 Everywhere》蹬着马蹄,在推特上被粉丝们追捧为“世界上最好玩的东西”。

The quirky clip has racked up more than two million YouTube hits in less than a week. 不到一周,这部别出心裁的视频就在 YouTube网站上获得了两百万多的点击量。

' Seeing the dancing pony advert brightens up my day, ' said Twitter user@_ 5 ophie, while@ Lozzaap tweeted that it would ' always be my favourite advert '. 推特用户_ 5 ophie这样评论道:“看到这只跳舞的小马我这一天的心情一下就好了起来”,另一位用户 Lozzaap也发推表:“这将永远是我心目中最可爱的广告。

Another fan,@ Anthonyshaw_, posted: ' Love that dancing pony in the new 3 advert ', adding ' It'll probably be in a lasagne by next week though ', in reference to the recent horse meat scandal. 另一个广告的粉丝 Anthonyshaw_发状态说:“爱死 3的这部新广告了”,不过他又补充说:“下周这匹小马可能就在一份千层面里了”,这里暗指最近的马肉丑闻。

Mash-up versions of the popular advert have also been cropping up on YouTube, including one in which the Fleetwood Mac song has been replaced by Michael Jackson's Billie Jean, and another which sees the pony trotting to the sounds of Teenage Kicks by The Undertones. 现在这部大红大紫的广告在 YouTube上也有了混音版,在其中一个视频中 Fleetwood Mac的这首歌被换成了 Michael Jackson的《 Billie Jean》,另外一个视频中小马则随着 The Undertones的歌曲《 Teenage Kicks》屁颠屁颠地跑着。