
A new book confirms what most of us already suspecttiming is everything. In The Book of Times, which was published in early February, Lesley Alderman, a health and finance reporter, compiled data from hundreds of studies to offer insight into how we spend our time. 时机就是一切:一本新书肯定了这一大多数人有些怀疑的想法。莱斯莉·埃尔德曼是一名健康和金融记者,二月初出版了新书《关于时间》。书中汇集了从成百上千的研究中获得的资料,为合理安排时间提供借鉴。

I initially meant to write a short-term time guide to how long we spend each day on grooming, eating, gossiping, but the book grew into something broader.Alderman told Yahoo! Shine. 埃尔德曼对雅思 Shine网站的记者表示:“我本来只想就每天在装扮、吃饭、闲聊上花多长时间写一个短期性的时间安排指南,但后来这本书涉及的东西越来越多。

Some of the most interesting data is her insight into the best times we should do everything from scheduling appointments to celebrating happy hour. Sometimes it's less about how you do it, and more about when you do it. 最让人感兴趣的资料中有一些是她关于从约会到庆祝的每件事的最佳时间安排的见解。这本书较少涉及如何做事,而是什么时间去做。


Best time to exercise锻炼的最佳时间

6 p. m. to 8 p. m., body temperature is at its peak, meaning your muscles are more flexible. Plus, muscle strength peaks between 5 p. m. to 9 p. m. and and hand-eye coordination is sharpest in the evening. ( Fascinatingly, employees who exercise more earn more moneyapproximately 7 to 11 percent more than those who dont.)下午 6点—— 8点。这一时段人的体温达到高峰,也就是说肌肉最灵活。另外,在下午 5点—— 9点时段肌肉最有力,晚上时手眼配合达到最佳。(有趣的是,体育锻炼越多的员工薪酬越高,大约比那些不锻炼的员工要高 7-11%

Best time to have a cocktail品鸡尾酒的最佳时间

Between 5 p. m. and 6 p. m., the liver is most efficient at detoxifying alcohol. That said, it can still take an hour for your liver to complete the detox. 下午 5点—— 6点。肝脏在此时段能最高效地消除酒精对身体造成的毒害。然而,肝脏仍需 1小时来完成排毒。

Best time to solve problems解决问题的最佳时间

At 10 a. m., your mind is at its most alert. Also, when making major relationship decisions, keep in mind that men's brains don't fully mature until they're 25. Women's brains complete their growth spurt at 22. 上午 10点。此时你的大脑想问题最透彻。另外,在作出男女关系方面的决定时,要记住男人的大脑直到 25岁时才完全成熟。女人在 22岁时完成生长陡增。

Best time to avoid stress避免压力的最佳时间

Cardiac arrest is most likely to occur at 7 a. m. Not a good time to have a stressful conversation or argument. 心脏聚停最可能出现在早晨 7点。紧张的谈话或争论应避开此时段。

Best time for surgery进行外科手术的最佳时间

Grab that early appointment: at 8 a. m. according to the book," your clot-forming platelets are at their stickiest," and a study from Duke University claims that complications are more likely as the day goes on. 尽量约在早上 8点钟。根据书中的观点,具有凝血功能的血小板此时最粘稠,而杜克大学的一项研究也指出,一天中,发生并发症的可能性随时间的推移而增加。

Best time for the dentist appointment看牙医的最佳时间

If you can't stand going to the dentist, Alderman says to make an appointment for the afternoon, when your" dental pain threshold is at its highest." Dr. Oz echoes the idea, claiming the best time is 2 p. m., when local anesthesia lasts longer. 埃尔德曼说,如果你受不了看牙医,那就约在下午,这是你的”痛阀值最高”的时候。欧兹医生赞同此观点,他认为最佳时间是在下午 2点,此刻局部麻醉的有效时间可持续更长。

Best time of your day一天中的最佳时光

Turns out, most of us are morning people. The a. m. hours are generally when we're in the best mood. 事实证实,早晨是大多数人的最佳时光。一般来说,人们在早晨最心情舒畅。

Best times of the year一年中的最佳时光

The happiest days of the year are holidays: Christmas Day, Thanksgiving, Easter, July 4 th, New Year's Day, and the day after Christmaspresumably because there's plenty of time to sleep in and relax. 一年中最快乐的时光当然是假期啦!圣诞节、感恩节、复活节、国庆节、新年和圣诞第二天——大概是因为我们有充足的时间睡懒觉和放松吧。

Best time of your life生命中的最佳时光

Your post-mid-life crisis years. People aged 60 to 70 have the highest levels of happiness. 中年危机之后数年间, 60-70岁之间的人觉得最幸福。