李安握小金人路边幸福吃汉堡 网友调侃安叔是“吃货”

Where would you eat after winning an Oscar? Fresh off of his win at the Academy Awards, Ang Lee headed down the strip for an In-N-Out Burger. 赢了奥斯卡小金人之后你会吃什么庆祝?在昨天的奥斯卡金像奖颁奖礼收获最佳导演奖后,导演李安径直前往 In-N-Out连锁店吃起了汉堡。

Yep, dressed in his Awards Show Best, clenching an irreplaceable golden statue, and riding an emotional high after being named the best director of the year, Ang Lee unwrapped a greasy burger from In-N-Out and stuffed his face. 是滴,李安身上还穿着参加奥斯卡颁奖礼的礼服,手上紧握着小金人,从 In-N-Out买了一个油腻的汉堡,就坐在路边大快朵颐了起来。李安导演在今年的奥斯卡颁奖礼上荣获年度最佳导演,在颁奖礼上他的情绪也非常激动。

李安握小金人路边幸福吃汉堡 网友调侃安叔是吃货

It’s not surprising that Lee needed a little comfort food after the ceremony. The Life Of Pi director said that he was exhausted after taking thousands of pictures and lugging around his little statue all night. 不过也不足为奇,在颁奖礼后他的确需要来点美食安慰一下。这位《少年派的奇幻漂流》的导演表示,在整晚抱着小金人走来走去,拍了上千张照片后,他的确觉得非常疲倦。


Lee said:“ I’m a little tired. Holding this and taking photos for hoursThe whole place seems to be very happy when I win. And they stood up and there were cheers. So that was very touching, you know?” 李安说:“我有点累了,拿着小金人拍了几个小时的照片。在我获得最佳导演的时候,整个杜比剧院的人看起来都很开心,他们站起来为我鼓掌,我觉得非常感动。

Life Of PI earned 11 Oscar nominations and walked away with four at the 85 th Academy Awards. The movie won for best directing, cinematography, original score and visual effects. 在昨天的第 85届奥斯卡颁奖礼上,此前获得 11项提名的《少年派的奇幻漂流》获得了 4项大奖,该电影抱走了最佳导演、最佳摄影、最佳原创配乐和最佳视觉效果四个奖项。

That absolutely earned Ang Lee a greasy In-N-Out burger. 这样的巨大成功,当然值得李安导演去 In-N-Out汉堡好好吃一顿。