
It’s always crush hour in the creche for these chilly emperor penguin chicks. 对于这些怕冷的帝企鹅宝宝来说,托儿所永远处在高峰时刻。

But when it’s -60 C and the wind is 100 mph, huddling together makes p-p-p-perfect sense. Having a tight protective circle of grown-ups also helps. 而在零下 60℃低温,每英里风速 100的环境下,挤成一团就完完全说得通了。一群成年帝企鹅围城一圈保护它们,希望能让企鹅宝宝好受得多。


This astonishing shot of parental devotion, printed in the Sunday People today, was filmed by a crew who spent eight months with the Antarctica penguins. 今天《星期天人民报》刊登了这张照片,其中企鹅父母的奉献精神令人称奇。这个纪录片的拍摄团队在南极和企鹅一起度过了八个月时间。

It is one of the amazing scenes in a three-part BBC TV documentary, PenguinsSpy in the Huddle, narrated by former Doctor Who star David Tennant. 这是 BBC纪录片《企鹅群里有特务》中最叹为观止的场景之一,旁边讲解者是出演《神秘博士》的苏格兰演员大卫·田纳特。

The spy in the title refers to 50 robot cameras that were sent in to film the colony without ruffling feathers. 标题中的“特务”指的是 50台安置在企鹅聚居地的机器人摄像机,外形又不至于惹怒企鹅们。

Disguised as eggs, animated penguins, chicks and snow and ice, the cameras captured previously unseen behaviour. 这些摄像机伪装成企鹅蛋、会动的企鹅、企鹅宝宝、雪或是冰,拍摄下了前所未见的企鹅的行为。

John Downer, who built the robots, said:“ In 35 years of making wildlife films I have never seen or captured so much new behaviour of any animal as I have with penguins.BBC导演 John Downer是这些装置的制造者,他说:“在拍摄野生动物的 35年中,我从来没有在其他动物身上捕捉到这么多新奇的行为。

The team filmed 1,000 hours of intimate behaviour over 300 consecutive days, the longest ever shoot of emperors. The crew filmed females without mates trying to break up couples. 该团队在连续 300天中近距离拍摄下了 1000小时的录像,这是世上最长的对帝企鹅的拍摄。摄制组拍摄下了一些没有伴侣的雌企鹅试图拆散别的企鹅夫妻。

John said:“ Later, alone and without young of their own, they would resort to chick-napping. Some adults who lost their chicks evenadoptedeggcams. John说:“还有一些自己没有宝宝孤零零的企鹅会‘诱拐企鹅儿童’。一些失去了自己的宝宝的成年企鹅甚至会‘领养’企鹅蛋形状的摄像机。

We also recorded extraordinary close-ups showing emperor mothers flicking their tail feathers to catch the newly laid egg and stop it touching the snow.” “我们也拍摄了一些非同寻常的近距离摄影,比如帝企鹅妈妈会突然摆动尾巴抓住刚刚生下来的企鹅蛋,不让它接触到地上的雪。