
Ⅰ写作指导 How to write








Dear Sir or Madam,

I write this letter to complain about…. I venture to place a complaint against….(两句皆可) the quality of…. I did….

时间+人物+ didproblems one after another. For one thing,… For another,….

Therefore, I wish you would look into it, immediately and send me a replacement as soon as possible or I will demand a refund.


Li Hua

Ⅱ 投诉信的常用表达


1I am writing to make a complaint about…我写信是为了投诉……

2It is a great pity that we find there is something wrong with…令人非常遗憾的是我们发现……有问题。

( 3I regret to tell you that I am disappointed with your service is…我很遗憾地告诉你我对你们的服务很失望……

5I would like to draw your attention to the problemfault…我想让您知道这个问题/错误……

6I am writing to inform you that I findunsatisfactory. 我写信是为了告诉你,我发现……令人非常不满意。

7I wish to express my dissatisfactiondisappointment about…我想表达我对……的不满


1Would you please let me know whether or not you canas soon as possible? 你们是否可以告知我能不能尽快……

2I hope that my problem will get your kind consideration我希望您能考虑一下我的问题。

3l hope you can make an investigation into this matter as soon as possible.我希望你们能尽快调查此事。

4 I hope I can get my refund as soon as possible.我希望能尽快收到退款。

5It would be highly appreciated if you could…如果你能……我将万分感谢。

6I trust you will take my complaints seriously and…我相信你会认真对待我的投诉,并且……

7If it is not properly solvedI would like you to return my money, or I would complain to the concerned government offices. 如果此事不能妥善解决,我将要求退还支付款项,或者向有关政府部门投诉。

Ⅲ 范文欣赏

假如你是 Raymond,一个月前,在 XX手机连锁店买了一部 3 G手机,但用了不到一个月的时间就出现了就坏了,修理后仍不能正常使用,要求更换或退款但售货员态度很冷淡,你向当班经理投诉

注意: 1词数不少于 120(开头和结尾不计入总词数)


Dear Sir or Madam,

I write this letter to complain about the poor quality of 3 G mobile phone and the poor quality of your service provided in your stain-store.One months ago I bought a 3 G mobile phone from your store and I like it very much. However②, it was broken in less than a month, I send it for repair, but the service staff said that the fault was my own and refused to repair it. Needless to say③, such a way of dealing with customers is unacceptable④. Would you please let me know whether or not you can send a replacement set to me or I request for get back my money? I hope that my problem will get your kind consideration.

Yours faithfully


范文点评 Comments

这篇书信结构完整,读来一气呵成,可以清楚地看到作者作为顾客在购物过程中有不愉快经历,希望通过本信得到一个说法。在写作过程中语气既不过于强势,也注意将事情讲清楚,明确表达自己的不满以及自己希望的解决办法。幷很好地把握了投诉信的写作目的,信中多处出现了常用的投诉信信的经典句型。如: I write this letter to complain about…, Would you please let me know whether or not you can…, I hope that my problem will get your kind condidersation等语言运用上也突现了作者的文字功底(①②③④这四处分别使用了非谓语动词,连词以及倒装句,体现了用词的多样性及句式的变化)。



问题( 1)小商店太少,日常用品购买不方便;( 2)有些商品要加过高;( 3)服务态度不如校外的超市;( 4)有时关门太晚,影响学生休息。

建议: 要求加强管理

注意: 1.字数 100词左右。文章开头已给出。

2.参考词汇:不替别人着想的: inconsiderate( adj.)行业: trade

加强管理: tighten control over

假如 你是李华,上周你去了一家你经常去的饭店,发现你点的鱼味道很差。你写信向餐厅经理反应此事。

注意: 1.字数 100词左右。文章开头已给出。

2.参考词汇: fragrance

Possible writing

Dear Chairman of Union,

I’m a refresh of my school. I feel there are many problems existing in the trade of stores in our school. First of all, there are too few stores in our school so it’s not easy to buy daily necessities. Meanwhile the price of some commodities is too high. What’s worse, the attitude of the assistants in them is poor, which causes much unpleasant between the students and the assistants. Another terrible thing which often happens is that deep at night they still open and make much noise. Many students suffer from this inconsiderate action. What do you think the stores in our school will bring us students in this condition?

I think we must take actions to control over the store trade. Maybe the first thing to do is raise the assistantsprofessional morality.

We are looking forward to your reply.

Sincerely yours,

Li Hua

Dear Sir or Madam:

I venture to write to complain about a dish of fish I ordered several days ago.

Last Friday, I had dinner with my friends in your restaurant. We ordered many dishes including the fish. At first sight, the fish looked very nice, so I had an impulse to taste. In addition, the fragrance of the dish attracted me. However, after my first taste, I was disappointed at the flavor. In a word, the dish was awful. To begin with, the soup wasnt delicious with disgusting fishy smell. Besides, the fish was still raw and I even could see the blood streak. Last but not least, the soup and fish tasted plain. But the restaurant looks beautiful and the service is good.

In my opinion, if you improve your cooking, you will appeal to numerous customers and make more money. I hope that my suggestion will get your kind consideration.


Li Hua