

In the age of reality television, many are left wondering where the glitz and glamour of old time Hollywood has gone, including Nicole Kidman. 在电视真人秀时代,许多人想知道好莱坞过去星光灿烂的明星们去哪了,包括妮可•基德曼。

" I actually don't even know what a movie star is nowwhat is a movie star?" she asks in the Hollywood Reporter. “实际上我甚至不知道现在什么是电影明星——什么是电影明星?”她在《好莱坞报道》中问道。

" When the best female part of the year is Claire Danes in Homeland, you know the game's changed. Maybe in the ' 50 ' s, there was a far more particular idea for a movie star. But now that's all blurryeverything's more fluid," she says. “当今年大部分时候最佳女性是在《国土安全》中的克莱尔,你知道游戏在改变。也许在 50年代,对电影明星有一个更特定的想法。但现在都是模糊的——一切都更加易变,”她说。

Although the Oscar winning actress, 45, has led an illustrious life on and off screen, her 10 - year marriage to Tom Cruise( which ended in 2000) is still a topic of conversation. 尽管这位奥斯卡获奖女演员, 45岁,荧幕内外都过着显赫的生活,她与汤姆•克鲁斯 10年的婚姻(截至 2000年)仍然是谈论的话题。

" I've chosen not to speak publicly about Scientology. I have two children[ adopted with Cruise] who are ScientologistsConnor[ the Red Dawn actor is now 17] and Isabella[ 20]– and I utterly respect their beliefs," she says. “我选择不公开谈论科学教。我有两个孩子(与克鲁斯领养的)都信科学教 -康纳[这位《赤色黎明》的演员现在 17岁了]和伊莎贝拉[ 20岁]——我完全尊重他们的信仰,”她说。

But Kidmanwho is now married to country singer and American Idol judge Keith Urbanis no stranger to controversy herself. In The Paperboy, a scene in which she urinates on Zac Efron has raised some eyebrows, but she insists it's no big deal. 但基德曼——现在嫁给了乡村歌手也是“美国偶像”的评委凯斯•厄本,她自己对争议并不陌生。在《报童》中,一个场景中她尿淋扎克-埃夫隆也引起了一些非议,但她坚持认为这没什么大不了的。

" I just dont find urination shocking," she says. " I think I peed in the beginning of Eyes Wide Shut, too. But then, I dont find a lot of things shocking! Violence is a lot more shocking than sexsex is primal." “我只是不觉得排尿令人震惊,”她说。“我想我在《大开眼戒》的开始也尿过。但那时我没有发现很多令人震惊的事情!暴力比性更令人震惊——性是原始的。

She continues to say:" As an actor, you live and die by your choices. I dont associate with mainstream films anymore. I dont do so well in them, either. I guess I have a foot in both worlds. I’ve been offered some studio films this year and turned them down. They just didnt align with who I am.” 她继续说:“作为一个演员你与你的选择生死与共。我不再与主流电影相联系了。我也没有在里面做的那么好。我想我有一只脚踏在两个世界。我今年已经被邀请了一些工作室电影,但拒绝了他们的请求。他们只是没有与我是谁相结合。

But while their lives play out in the spotlight, Kidman says that she and Urban choose to keep their relationship and careers separate. 但尽管他们生活在聚光灯下,基德曼说她和 Urban选择让他们的关系和事业分开。

"[ Keith] has a strong will about his career, and so do I. We want each other to thrive and do what we love, and never interfere in the other's career choices," she says. “[基斯]有强烈的事业心,我也一样。我们希望彼此事业蒸蒸日上,做我们所爱的事,不干涉彼此的职业选择,”她说。