
西伯利亚一位心理学家在 2004年的时候研究出用棍子打屁股的方法来帮助瘾君子们戒除毒瘾。他表示,到目前为止,他已经成功帮助 1000多名患者解除痛苦,其中有毒瘾患者,也有嗜酒成瘾、工作成瘾以及有性瘾的患者。这位心理学家表示,鞭打之所以能够对瘾君子们有效是因为鞭打产生的疼痛能够使身体在血液中释放脑啡肽。该物质是体内产生的一种有镇痛作用的荷尔蒙。因瘾君子体内该物质早已耗尽,才会难以忍受毒瘾带来的痛苦。

Siberian psychologist Dr German Pilipenko started practicing a unique form of addiction therapy termed the" method of limited exposure or pain" in 2004, according to the Siberian Times. The technique involves beating drug addicts with a cane on their backsides.


" We cane the patients on the buttocks with a clear and definite medical purpose - it is not some warped sadomasochistic activity," said Pilipenko's fellow practitioner, Marina Chukhrova.

Pilipenko said he's treated more than a thousand patients, including Americans. They come seeking cures for their addictions to drugs, alcohol, work and even sex.

" I am the proof that this controversial treatment works," one of Pilipenko's patients," Natasha," told the Times. " I recommend it to anyone suffering from an addiction or depression. It hurts like crazy - - but it's given me back my life."

Pilipenko said part of the reason the treatment works is because it releases endorphins into the blood stream, which are often depleted in addicts. But critics of the method insist that other, pain-free activities like eating chocolate release more endorphins.

The Moscow Times reports that unusual addiction therapies are nothing new. Hypnotism, black magic and even violent treatments have been reported before. A gang in Yekaterinburg, Russian allegedly handcuffed drug addicts to beds to wean them off drugs, according to the paper.