
同学们,麻将( Má jià ng,英: Mahjong, Mah-jongMah-jongg)是一种四人骨牌博戏,流行于华人文化圈中。不同地区的游戏规则稍有不同。麻将的牌式主要有“饼(文钱)”、“条(索子)”、“万(万贯)”等。在古代,麻将的大都是以骨面竹背做成,可以说麻将牌实际上是一种纸牌与骨牌的结合体。与其他骨牌形式相比,麻将的玩法最为复杂有趣,它的基本打法简单,容易上手,但其中变化又极多,搭配组合因人而异,因此成为中国历史上一种最能吸引人的博戏形式。我们快来看一下“麻将”用英语怎么表达吧

麻将 mahjong

暗杠 drawing a tile by oneself

暗坎 concealing 3 - tiles in order of a kind

八圈 eight rounds of play

边张 side tiles

吃张 drawing

抽头 the kitty

筹码 counter

出张 discarding a tile

大满贯 grand slam

单钓 waiting for one of the pair to win

单听 awaiting the only one necessary tile to win

地和 going out or winning a hand after drawing only one tile

吊牌 awaiting one’s winning tile

对对胡 winning with all paired tiles

对门 opponent sitting opposite to one

对碰 waiting for two tiles to win; making two pairs

杠后开花 drawing a tile from the end of the wall to win the game

跟牌 following suit

进张 drawing a useful tile

扣牌 holding up a tile

拦和 be won by one’s left or opposing opponent with the same tile one needs

连庄 remaining the dealer

牌友 matching play

平和 a win without points

七对 seven pairs

砌牌 forming the wall of stacks

清一色 all of one suit; flush; having all tiles in one suit

全字 pure characters

缺一门 lacking a suit

三缺一 three players looking for one more player

上家 opponent on the left

十三幺 the thirteen orphans

天和 a natural win

跳牌 skipping

听牌 waiting for the one necessary tile to win

洗牌 shuffling the tiles

下家 opponent on the right

一对 one pair

一番 one time( in scoring)

一圈 a round

一条龙 a complete sequence from 1 to 9

诈和 declaring a false win

庄家 dealer

自摸 winning by one’s own draw

做相公 be unconscious of a shortage or surplus of tiles