
名词( Nouns)是词性的一种,也是实词的一种,是指代人、物、事、时、地、情感、概念等实体或抽象事物的词。名词可以独立成句。在短语或句子中通常可以用代词来替代。名词可以分为专有名词( Proper Nouns)和普通名词( Common Nouns),专有名词是某个(些)人,地方,机构等专有的名称,如: Beijing, China等。普通名词是一类人或东西或是一个抽象概念的名词,如: book, sadness等。


误: We are Frenchmen, and they are Germen.

正: We are Frenchmen, and they are Germans.

析: Frenchman(法国人)其复数形式是 Frenchmen,而 German(德国人)的复数形式是 Germans


误: Professor Wang gave me some good advices.

正: Professor Wang gave me some good advice.

析: advice是不可数名词,不可在其后加 s变为复数,也不可在其前面用不定冠词 an如说“一项建议”,可说 a piece of advice

注意: help虽然无复数形式,但常见有不定冠词。如: Computer is a great help in research. 电脑对调查有很大帮助。


误: There are more than nine hundreds students in our school.

正: There are more than nine hundred students in our school.

析: dozen, hundred, thousand等词前面有数词表示明确具体的数目时,后面不管有没有 of都不用复数形式。如: I have collected over three hundred Chinese stamps since I came here. 至我来到这儿,我已经收集了三百多张中国邮票。

4. 昨天她买了几十个鸡蛋。

误: She bought dozen of eggs yesterday.

正: She bought dozens of eggs yesterday.

析:当 dozen, hundred, thousand等词的前面没有数词,表示笼统的数目时,则用复数形式,后面接 of。如: Thousands of years ago, the kings of Egypt built strong tombs for themselves. 在数千年前,埃及国王们会为自己修建坚固的墓地。

5. 她长着棕色头发,蓝眼睛。

误: She has brown hairs and blue eyes.

正: She has brown hair and blue eyes.

析: hair作“毛发”总称,是集体名词,用作单数。但是,当 hair被看成是“毛发”总体的每一根的个体时,则是可数名词,有单数复数之分。比较:

My mother has grey hair. 我母亲满头白发。(头上全是白发,没有黑发。

My mother has grey hairs. 我母亲有些白发。(头发绝大多数是黑的,只有少数白发。


误: These are sheeps. Those are goats.

正: These are sheeps. Those are goats.

析: sheep作绵羊解,单复数相同,经常用到的单复数相同的名词还有(鱼条数),(鹿),(中国人),(日本人)等。如:

But there were not any fish in it. 但是里面没有鱼。

The number of deer does not change much. 鹿的数量没有多大改变。

They aren't Chinese. 他们不是中国人。

By that time the Japanese were already very near. 到那时日本人已经很近了。


误: You must have more chickens.

正: You must have more chicken.



误: Zhang Honghas three childs.

正: Zhang Honghas three children.

析: child的复数形式是不规则的,使用时要多加注意。类似的词还有 manmen, womanmomen, footfeet, toothteeth, mousemice, goosegeese等。

9. 那些是收音机。

误: Those are radioes.

正: Those are radios.

析:以 o结尾的名词,指外来词语或缩写词语,如 piano, photo等,变为复数形式,通常在词尾加 s,属于真正的英语名词则在词尾加 es中学课本中只有五个以 o结尾的名词变为复数时在词尾加 es除了 echoechoes(响应)以外,请你记住这句话,保你事半功倍: Negroes and heroes eat potatoes and tomatoes. 黑人和英雄吃土豆和西红柿。


误: He bought a new trousers.

正: He bought a pair of new trousers.

析:在英语中,“一条裤子”要说 a pair of trousers类似的还有“一双鞋”,“一副眼镜”,“一副圆规”等都要用 a pair of,如: a pair of boots.

11. 这个是汤姆和麦克的房间。

误: This is Tom's and Mike's room.

正: This is Tom and Mike's room.

析:表示几人共有一物时,只是最后一个名词要用所有格;如一些物品是几个人的(放在一起),都要用所有格。如: These are Tom's nd Mike's books. 这些书是汤姆和麦克的。(汤姆和麦克各自拥有一部分书。)


误: They have done a lot of works.

正: They have done a lot of work.

析: work作“工作”解时是不可数名词,不能有复数形式,也不能有不定冠词。work的复数形式可用于下列几种情况:

当“工厂”讲,如: a steel works(一个炼钢厂)

当“著作”讲,如: Shakespeare's works(莎士比亚的著作)

注意:常被误用成复数的名词还有: homework(家庭作业), housework(家务活), knowledge(知识), trouble(麻烦)等。


误: There is only one people in the classroom.

正: There is only one person in the classroom.

析: people(人们)是一个集合名词,说一个人不可以说 a people,一个人是 one person A people意为“一个民族”。如: The Chinese people is a brave and hardworking people. 中华民族是一个勤劳勇敢的民族。


误: Mr Wu had a lot of experiences in teaching.

正: Mr Wu had a lot of experience in teaching.

析: experience当“经验”讲时是抽象名词,不可数,没有复数形式。当“经历,遭遇”讲时,是可数名词。如: He has many good experiences. 他有很多有趣的经历。


误: The hole is three metre deep.

正: The hole is three metres deep.

析:名词短语 three metres用作状语修饰形容词 deep,数次后面表示度量的名词按习惯用复数形式。如: It is nearly 5000 years old. 它有将近五千年历史了。

注意:当数词+度量词+形容词组成一个合成词,放在一个名词前作定语时,那个表示度量的名词习惯上用单数。如: a six-metre-deep hole(一个六米深的洞), a ten-story-high building(一栋十层高的楼房)。


误: Wang Hong and Ma Guo are man teachers.

正: Wang Hon gand Ma Guo are men teachers.

析: manwoman用作定语时,表示性别其单数形式修饰单数可数名词,复数形式修饰复数可数名词。如: a man doctor(一位男医生), three men doctors(三位男医生), a woman nurse(一位女护士), three women nurses(三位女护士)。


误: The ant has two stomaches in its body.

正: The ant has two stomachs in its body.

析: stomach虽然是以 ch结尾,但其复数形式不加 es,而直接加 s而遵守名词变复数的规则的则要加 es如: branchbranches(树枝), benchbenches(长凳), watchwatches(手表)。


误: It took me one and a half hour to get there.

正: It took me one and a half hours to get there.

析:英语中多于一个,即使不够二,也要用复数。如: one and a half years一年半。